USD 1471.75 million
“The Global Hearing Aid Batteries Market Size was estimated at *USD 1471.75
million in 2021* and is projected to reach USD 2057.13 million by 2028,
exhibiting a CAGR of 4.90% during the forecast period. ”

On Mon, Aug 1, 2022, 8:28 AM Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Many researchers have said that experimental devices that produce only
> milliwatts of power have no practical use. That is true, because these
> devices are not reliable. Power is not constant, and it cannot be
> controlled. If it could be controlled, and if the device could be
> miniaturized, it would have enormous economic value, and many
> practical applications. So, when you talk to venture capitalists, do not
> sell yourself short. You should not think that the only
> commercially valuable form of cold fusion will be in the kilowatt levels.
> Frankly, I wish the people at Brillouin and even Mizuno would grasp this
> fact. There is no need to scale up at first. What we need is control.
> Scaling down to microwatt levels might actually bring in a lot more money
> at first. Billions of dollars!
> Frank Gordon has said that the present LEC is 9 orders away from producing
> 1 kW, which he called a "practical" level of electricity. That's a lotta
> orders! He thinks they can close that gap by a number of methods that he
> discussed in the presentation. However, I quibble with the idea that 1 kW
> is the lowest practical level. I think it is much lower. I wrote to him as
> follows --
> A hearing aid battery produces the most expensive electricity
> Frank,
> You mentioned that you need to increase power by 9 orders of magnitude to
> reach a "practical" level of 1 kW. That's not strictly true. Actually, far
> lower power levels are not only practical, they are extremely valuable. The
> most expensive electricity a person can buy is produced by a hearing aid
> battery. This is around 5 or 10 mW. They last about 5 days, so that's 1200
> mWh, or 0.0012 kWh. You can buy that from the power company for $0.00017
> (0.017 cents), whereas a battery costs $0.50, I think. That's 2,900 times
> more expensive per watt-hour. That is quite a heck of a market.
> A miniature LEC that produces 10 mW of electricity would sell like
> hotcakes at a huge premium. If it lasts for 5 years -- which I think is
> possible -- that would be the equivalent of 365 batteries, costing $183.
> Granted, you can get rechargeable hearing aid batteries for $10 each, but a
> LEC version would be more convenient and would probably last longer than
> rechargeable batteries. I think you could get at least $100 for it.
> There is a similar market for wrist watch batteries. They consume 10
> microwatts. Your present LEC can almost reach that.
> There is a gigantic market for cell phone batteries. Cell phones consume 3
> W at peak. A thermoelectric chip with a heat-producing cold fusion reaction
> would make the cell too hot to keep in your pocket. A LEC might be ideal.
> A cardiac pacemaker battery costs a fantastic sum of money. Power levels
> are 10 to 50 microwatts. A LEC would be an ideal power source, because
> replacing a pacemaker calls for surgery which is painful and can be
> dangerous, so it is better to leave it in place indefinitely. Of course you
> have to meet very high performance and safety standards, so it would take a
> long time to develop this and have it approved, but it would be worth
> millions. Over a million pacemakers are implanted per year. They cost
> between $4,000 and $6,000 each. Much of the cost is probably for the
> battery. I expect you are looking at a market worth $1 to $2 billion.
> So, anyway, when you present the LEC to venture capitalists, you should
> not say that 1 kW is the lowest "practical" level of power. 10 microwatts
> is a practical power level. Not only practical, but per watt, is it is
> worth thousands to millions of times more than power company electricity.
> - Jed

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