Michael Foster's mention of the normal Brownian motion caused by thermal agitation being suppressed - also raises a larger issue. Much larger: global warming.

John Roach wrote the following for 'National Geographic News' in 2004. "Earth's magnetic field is fading. Today it is about 10 percent weaker than it was when German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845" ... If the trend continues, the field may collapse altogether and then reverse. Compasses would point south instead of north.... Not surprisingly, Hollywood has already seized on this new twist in the natural-disaster genre. Last year Tinseltown released "The Core" a film in which the collapse of Earth's magnetic field leads to massive electrical storms, blasts of solar radiation, and birds incapable of navigation."

Well - I musta missed that fine film, but the idea that the collapse of Earth's magnetic field will have unseen repercussions (some severe) is valid ...

...and one wonders: IF (big if) the present field alignment, especially at the poles has incorporated some large amount of energy stored in the form of anti-entropic field alignment of all that ice, gigatons - then what happens when the structure becomes unaligned, due to collapse of the field?

It would likely not have been the approximately one degree of pent-up heat, seen by Dr. Stiffler, as his magnet was much stronger than the earth field - but it still could be substantial - and it is just possible that some of the global warming already seen in the polar regions is due to the diminishing magnetic field.


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