On Saturday 25 November 2006 10:26, Kyle R. Mcallister wrote:
> Interesting if accurate:
> http://www.upi.com/Energy/view.php?StoryID=20061107-070924-5161r
> And the CO2phobes begin to scream in 5...4...3...2....
> If indeed workable, we can begin 2 things almost immediately, if played
> right:
> 1. Rapidly shut down U.S. reliance on foreign oil imports, ideally ending
> them altogether.
> 2. If it is so cheap, use the excess profits (well, some anyways, got to
> give the companies some incentive) to begin constructing solar facilities
> in the desert. This will take some pretty serious regulation, but should be
> done.
> The oil shale, if this works as well as it seems, may be our last chance to
> get off our collective rear ends and set up permanently renewable energy
> sources, while having a nice buffer of cheap, profit-making energy during
> the time of transition. I can see the oil companies (if not involved in the
> oil shale conversion process) and the envirofascists (this does not include
> all those who are environmentalists, just the whackjobs) being the two
> greatest threats to doing this.
> --Kyle

Kyle, I am afraid that we will always have a serious oversupply of whackjobs.
Many of these are sincere wackos, but many others have an ulterior motive
for being obstructionists and economic saboteurs.  For instance if one wanted
to destabilize or harm a nation for any reason, this kind of activity would be
one of the most efficient means possible to cause maximum misery to the 
target population.  Those who went along with them for any reason would be
the usefull fools that inhabit most any bandwagon.  Also, luddites probably
will be also found in the pay of major energy producer industries not 
benefited by this process.  Whatever energy we choose to develope, we need
to develope it quickly as world events are showing quickening.

Standing Bear

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