Has anyone ever tried one of these wrist exercising

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I used to have one of these great little gadgets.  You
simple get the ball spinning just a 
tad and then immediately begin slowly rotating the
device in a precessional manner.  It 
usually takes a little practice, as the precession
rate must be just correct. When you get 
it just right the gyro begins to increase in speed. 
You can immediately tell because it 
requires a great deal of precessional force, hence the
reason it's great exercise.  After 
a minute or so one can get it rotating at a high rate.
 You'll hear it humming quite loud.

Similarly, we can do the opposite.  Once the gyro is
spinning, we can remove such energy 
by performing the opposite action. :-)

QM claims the electron has angular momentum.  I know,
I know, supposedly it's a quantum 
value, or so they believe. It would be an interesting
experiment to see if energy could be 
extracted from a permanent magnet, as we know there
are appreciable amount of unpaired 
aligned electron spins in such PM's.  As to how fast
the PM must be precessed is unknown. 
For all we know it could require speeds greater than
any PM could handle.  One thing for 
certain, a real gyroscope requires precise timing if
you are going to remove its energy.

Paul Lowrance

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