John Berry wrote:

There were also reports of two of the planes landing safely at an airport, yes really. (according to the Mayor anyway:

The transponder signals were turned off over an airport and turned back on, but it would not have been possible for the plane to have pulled off the flying required for it to be where the signal turns back on.

Then there is the fact that people at the commercial airport would likely have noticed the modifications (the pod which is clearly visible in all shots all on the same side).

My goodness. Since many gullible people believe this sort of thing, I suppose it is no wonder that a 2006 Harris poll showed that 64% of Americans thought Saddam Hussein had "strong" links to al Qaeda, or that 55% of voters do not believe in evolution. People will believe -- or not believe -- just about anything.

This shows why it is so difficult to persuade the public that cold fusion is real. For many people, evidence, logic, plausibility, commonsense and the known laws of physics count for nothing. Rumors and wishful thinking dominate.

Chris Zell summed it up perfectly:

"Anything you wish to explain by competence - which is demanded in an extreme degree by a multi faceted and highly complex conspiracy - can be more easily explained by an inept government led by naive hacks -- and examined by paranoids who see God-like ability in those they despise."

- Jed

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