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"The energy efficiency of water electrolysis varies widely. The
efficiency is a measure of what fraction of electrical energy used is
actually contained within the hydrogen. Some of the electrical energy
is converted to heat, a useless by-product. Some reports quote
efficiencies between 50–70%[1] This efficiency is based on the Lower
Heating Value of Hydrogen. The Lower Heating Value of Hydrogen is
thermal energy released when Hydrogen is combusted. This does not
represent the total amount of energy within the Hydrogen, hence the
efficiency is lower than a more strict definition. Other reports quote
the theoretical maximum efficiency of electrolysis. The theoretical
maximum efficiency is between 80–94%.[2]. The theoretical maximum
considers the total amount of energy absorbed by both the hydrogen and
oxygen. These values only refer to the efficiency of converting
electrical energy into hydrogen's chemical energy. The energy lost in
generating the electricity is not included. For instance, when
considering a power plant that converts the heat of nuclear reactions
into hydrogen via electrolysis, the total efficiency is more like

Different CF experiments handle electrolysis in different ways.  Some
recombine the gases while some simply account for the loss of gases
and ssome ignore the gas loss.  Try reading some papers at lenr.org

On 3/27/07, john herman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear all vo,

 so far.... ZERO comment:

Cold Fusion

    Anyone... any figures:

> (A)  electrolysis during CF

(B)  H and O liberated

   (C)  Amount of H and O [or H2 and O2...in the proper ratio]

    (D)  HOW much energy.... if you combine the H and the O???  Thermal???
Fuel cell ...or... bleet hawses... just how MUCH H and O for some given run?

   (E)  IS ARE  anyone wishing to let us know any of these amounts?

 (not a ""computation"" the real figures)
   (F)  YOU Fail the test... all have failed if you can not report the O and
H and
let us know what energy this electrolysed water MIGHT contribute to the over
'''energy budget''' of some given CF work...
 (E)  Toss heat and calori out!!!
   (G)  GOOD... what is the H and O????

          no one has responed in the last 12 years .... vo

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