I don't see the logic in a lot of your words. You assume that because the Sun is part of the cause that humanity has somehow done nothing. That's not true. What you said is well known and is openly discussed amongst climate scientists, including Dr. Brenda.

Sorry, I'll side with the mass majority here, who do indeed openly talk about all contributing factors such as the Sun.


Jeff Fink wrote:
The headline in my newspaper of Saturday Feb. 3, 2007 said, “GLOBAL WARNING-
If nothing is done to combat greenhouse gases, extreme weather could kill 1
million people by 2100…

I am greatly concerned about the “global warming hysteria” that is being
foisted upon the public.  I recall a news caster six weeks before saying
that Europe had just experienced the warmest autumn in 500 years.  Do you
realize what that means?  It means that 500 years ago it was warmer, and
that human activity had nothing to do with it!  It is well known to some
historians that the period from 900 to 1100 AD was also warmer than today by
about three degrees, and human activity had nothing to do with that either!
Mars is even heating up.  I can’t wait to be told what part of my lifestyle
is causing the Martian heat wave!

There are mammoths frozen in the Siberian tundra with flesh still intact,
and tropical vegetation in their mouths.  When discovered in the 1800’s, the
meat was still edible! The stuff in my freezer isn’t fit to eat after five
years. So, how old can these animals be?   Clearly, Siberia was a tropical
climate in the recent past.  That warm period cannot possibly be the fault
of the human race.

Scientists know these things, but they are being threatened to shut up about
it.  There are many scientists who disagree with the hypothesis that we are
causing global warming, but they are becoming less vocal as they consider
the loss of funding and loss of career if they continue to say what they
really believe.  Heidi Cullen of the Weather Channel recently said that any
weather person who did not believe in “global warming” should be fired!  The
coercion continues!

In the late 70’s the media was scaring us with predictions from reputable
researchers about the coming ice age.  These scientists were not idiots.
Why has the story turned 180 degrees in the past 20 yrs?
Is there some kind of agenda here?  There sure is!  With our public school
children forced to watch Al Gore’s movie over and over again, and his recent
rant before Congress, he has herded the US leadership and general population
into a vulnerable position. He can now, with his established business
enterprises, corral billions of dollars from gullible people by selling them
bogus carbon credits!

We are being told that we must reduce our production of greenhouse gases,
including CO2.  Plants and trees love CO2.  They must have it to survive.
They would grow much faster if CO2 levels were two or three times higher.
Nursery people know this and they inject CO2 into their green houses to
dramatically increase growth rates.
CO2 is the natural byproduct of combustion.  It is a direct measure of a
civilization’s prosperity; the more controlled per capita production of CO2,
the higher the standard of living.  For us to significantly reduce CO2
emissions by conservation, we must dramatically reduce our quality of life.
The resulting downward spiral of the world economy could ultimately cause
more death and destruction than “global warming”.

Through the ages the sun heats up, the sun cools down, and there is nothing
we can do about it.  If the sun burps, we burn; if the sun sneezes, we
freeze.  We are presently in a natural warming trend.  It is arrogance to
think we are causing it.  If we are too puny to cause it, then we are
definitely too puny to fix it.  We shouldn’t live in fear.  As long as God
has His hand on the sun’s thermostat, we will be alright.  But, we live in
an age where much of the world’s leadership and this forum believe that we
ourselves are all the god we have, and all the god we need.

We cannot save civilization by dismantling civilization.  When humans
endeavor to solve god sized problems by our own inadequate efforts, we can
only expect to create for ourselves a hell on earth.  As the global warming
issue finds its way into the legislative process we are on the verge of
making some really bad laws that will hurt all of us.

Don’t misunderstand me.  I’m all for conservation, alternate energy, and
getting off of oil dependency.  I have spent thousands of my own dollars on
PAGD and cavitation experiments, trying to discover something that will
help.  But, let’s not be stupid by making crippling decisions that will
cause the human race to lose its hold on civilization.  We will only have
the resources to solve our problems while working from a position of
prosperity, not poverty.

Jeffrey L Fink, B.S. Aerospace Engineering VA Tech

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