And cows pump out more methane globally than we do CO2 (my tribute to
Fred)... methane is a way more harmful/reactive GHG (don't let the vegans
find out, they are insufferable already).


-----Original Message-----
From: thomas malloy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:to John Berry regarding GW

Paul Lowrance wrote:

> thomas malloy wrote:
> > John Berry wrote:
> I think what you meant to say is that volcanoes have in the past
> erupted to produce more CO2 than humanity ***for a given duration***.
> Oddly enough you're missing a huge factor, "Duration."  IOW, humanity
> continues to pump out a steady amount of CO2 year after year.

No, that's not what the video says, volcanos pump out 10 times as much
CO2 as  all human sources.

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