EnergyLab wrote:
This is quite interesting, a Tesla coil (of which I know very little about)
is being compared to a small radio antenna loop stick.

I believe the point was that there's [some] capacitive coupling between the loose end and ground, which completes the apparently "open" circuit; this is analogous to the situation with a Tesla coil.

The fact that there's [some] capacitive coupling there is certainly undeniable; the /impedance/ of that coupling at 4 MHz is something else again, and is an interesting question. With the short wire you've got, I'd have expected the coupling to be far too small to account for the observed effect -- and your original circuit had the juice going in through the GATE on a MosFet which already puts a really tiny capacitor in series with the input.

Regarding capacitive coupling in HF circuits in general, as an EE I knew once said regarding proper ground returns, "If you don't provide a ground return, Mother Nature will provide one for you -- but it may not be one you like". (He was actually talking about computer data switch design, which is a somewhat different arena...)

I would have thought that before one rests on taught (rather than factual
experience) that they would invest the time and a couple bucks to show
someone how stupid they are?

Eh hrm -- IMHO this is a delightful circuit whether or not it's got a mundane explanation.

The issue isn't the couple bucks, it's the time to copy your setup carefully enough to get the result you're seeing. The more info you publish on the circuit, the better, as far as I'm concerned, because I'd love to try to repro it eventually.

I think you mentioned the barium ferrite cores are "hard to obtain"; the implication seemed to be that they're not currently being manufactured? Do you just take apart lots of old transistor radios and hope to luck out and find one, or does someone still sell the things?

But over the years I have learned on thing for
sure and that is that if I could get 100 people to duplicate anything I have
shown, it would be LUCK if even one of them (Duplicated) it. I would expect
to see everything from the cheap clip leads all over the kitchen table to
the full blown hand made circuit board and none worked, why, because no one
duplicated it, get it.

If you're faking this I'll eat my hat. (But that's just my personal opinion.)

If you can put 1-4 volts into a baby antenna coil like this and pulse a 15W
light with a couple of watts at a 50% duty cycle, what this is not strange
when the primary is open? I have done the math, no I won't post it, do the
math and see or have we all come to mind experimentation only?

Don't ask me how I measure power, hint that it is wrong, how do you measure
power, I'll do it...

I'm not finding fault with your power measurements.

However, since you asked how "you measure power", where "you" is the rest of the Vortex list, and I'm part of that "you", I'll tell you what my initial attempts at measuring the power-in/power-out would be.

Please don't take this as condescension, nor as an attempt at saying you don't already know more about how to do this than I do. I'm just saying this is where /I/ will start if I ever get around to trying to repro your circuit.

I'd use low-resistance series resistors, as you said you're already doing (1 ohm, I think you said) and measure the voltage across them with an oscilloscope, to get the current-in and current-out signals.

I'd attempt to measure the voltage across the the input (and output) with a 100x scope probe, which has impedance ~ 100 Megohms. This pushes the cost up above "a couple bucks", unfortunately, as I don't already own a 100x probe and they're not cheap.

If that didn't work, because the impedance of the probe was still too low and/or the wires were too long, I'd try to cobble up something with a fet-input opamp on the board next to the LED as a voltage follower, which would _hopefully_ have high enough impedance and short enough wires to get a good reading without detuning the circuit so much the effect vanished. I might need to spend some quality time with datasheets to find one with the bandwidth to do the job; the TL086's which I use for most of my "playing" are probably not capable of it.

I'd then feed the current and voltage signals to the two channels on a scope and have it multiply them to get a power reading. (OK, this is probably a naive or dumb approach for six reasons I haven't thought of, but it's what I'd start with...)

My major initial interest would actually be in looking at the power _leaving_ the signal generator -- I'd want to read the voltage and current at the generator's end of the wires leading to the apparatus. That is, of course, because I suspect the wires from the generator to the apparatus of acting like an antenna -- but that's probably naive as well; it's just where I'd like to start looking for the missing watts.

And, come to think of it, I might want to "float" the signal generator - drive it from batteries or, if it wants AC, use an unplugged UPS or something.

but you know what if the answer comes out not to match
your expectations, I will hear I did it wrong or I mis-read or I had this or
I had that. What? The vorts have been silent, why show me wrong, I can take

It is so funny indeed, the last three videos I had planned on putting up are
covering a large strip light and a desk top lamp with over ten ultra-bright
whites in them. But gee whiz guys when someone sees no power source they
will go back to the beamed micro-wave crap.

I KNOW for sure why we have not arrived there yet, this is the show piece
example. It is against physics, against EE, LoT, well just about everything
so it does not exist RIGHT.

Please no one, run to the table with a handful of clip leads and some old
transformer ferrite to prove me wrong.

IMHO, as I already said, the effect is as real as houses; the only argument should be over the cause.

Failure of someone else to repro doesn't prove you "wrong" or "dumb" or a "phony". It just proves the effect is touchy and a little hard to reproduce, which we already knew.

I think I have given all information
and photo's need to DUPLICATE it.

I hope so!

Oh! to the fellow vort that thinks I made a remark that applied to him on
how a Faraday cage must be grounded to earth.

IMHO the whole Faraday cage issue is a red herring and the ground wire issue is all that twice over (two red herrings?).

a) Last I heard you could keep the ends of chicken legs from burning in the microwave by wrapping foil around them. No need to ground those foil "Faraday cages" on the legs, they block the signal just fine ungrounded. What's magic about your situation that you can send radio waves clear through an aluminum pie plate, even though the (VERY high intensity) microwave beam in the oven can't make it through (far thinner) aluminum foil? Nuthin', IMHO. (Here's another hint that the ground wire may not be very relevant: Does the pie plate turn transparent if you disconnect the ground wire, or does it still reflect light the same way? Hmmm...)

b) If capacitive coupling between the free end and ground is really playing a role here, as Bill Beatty speculates, then enclosing the whole thing in a grounded cage will INCREASE that coupling and strengthen the effect.

c) Unless you're intentionally irradiating the apparatus (and yourself) with high power RF I don't see how the power density in the air could contribute enough to do anything significant here, as I already observed.

In any case the cage and its ground wire are a side trip and a distraction.

If you, personally, want to verify that there isn't some unexpected source of RF which is feeding your circuit, you can do something which might be simpler: Just move into a different room in the house, or run an extension cord outside and move the whole thing out of doors (and enjoy the last of the pleasant fall weather while working on it).

You might also want to look up and around you while you're outside, to check for any unexpected radio stations next door which you might have overlooked. Short of something on that order turning up, I still don't see how an external RF energy source could be playing any kind of role in this system.

One last test for an external radio source: Turn off the signal generator. What happens? Oh, the light goes out? Well then I think we can scratch the "radio station" theory and forget about the Faraday cage.

The comment was not directed
to you, you were far from the only person that said something. Additionally
the RF people as I so said, insist that the ground I did make a point to
show is worthless. Well folks guess its up to you, I can't figure how to
make everyone happy.

I can't speak for "everyone" and what would make them happy. But I can speak for myself:

Did you publish the values and part numbers for the circuit components on your site? If you did (URL please?), that would make me very happy, and I'll snapshot them for future reference, even if I can't find the time to repro it this month.

Without component values and part numbers repro'ing it could take a lot longer, as one runs down blind alleys with components that are "almost" right.

This is just a rank out of total frustration and wondering about the void of
the dead field of science for the sake of science.

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