A few tangential thoughts on the Lutz controversy.

I would caution us all from arriving at too many stead-fast opinions
as to the real motivations behind any individual without first
questioning them face-to-face. We're all guilty of performing
pop-psyche analysis on the motivations of others and, subsequently,
performing extrapolations on that analysis as to how their underlying
motivations are likely affecting the machinations of
multi-million/billion dollar corporations for which they are in charge
of running. I'm just as guilty as the rest for having performed these
very transgressions.

I don't know Lutz. I've never talked to him. I'm not in a position to
analyze his motivations publicly.

One of the few bits of wisdom I've seem to have acquired as I've
gotten older is a realization that the vast majority personal opinions
I've stuffed into my wet-wear are just that: personal opinions. I
think I became slightly wiser one fateful day (a day that
unfortunately only seems to have been recently) when I came to the
astonishing revelation as to what do any of my personal opinions have
anything to do with what's really going on in the world. All I really
know is what's going on in my little world, and even then, I'm not so
sure about that.

But that's ok. Having personal opinions about this and that subject
did not seem to make me any more of a productive intelligent human
being. Possessing opinions inevitably caused me to consume huge
amounts of personal resources and energy in the task of defending all
those personal opinions I had acquired because sooner or later I would
come up against some dumb jerk who didn't agree with my personal
opinions, and then it was off to the races again.

Granted, there are many of us who live for the thrill of the race, and
the stadiums always seem to be full of spectators. But for me, all it
seemed to do was make me more opinionated.

OTOH, has anyone spoken to Mrs. Lutz recently? ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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