Terry sez:

> > I regularly chew on BOCA brand veggie burgers.
> Have you tried the Boca Brats or Italian Sausage?  They're pretty close.
> Terry

My spouse is the actual carnivore in the family. Unfortunately, it
would appear that the BOCA genus seems to disagree with her GI track.
Fortunately, not mine. I only get the opportunity to bolt them down
when she's on a business trip.

I've wondered about the BOCA brats & Italian Sausage species. Upon
your recommendation I may try hunting down a few the next time I
explore the vast Serengeti plains of Sentry Foods. It's nice to know
that my actions of picking off the weak, sick, and helpless helps
maintain a strong soy herd. I expect Nature to do a documentary on
this ancient ritual some day.

PS: At the local farmer's market we actually can purchase Elk meat. A
vender couple is raising elk on their homestead.

It's not bad. Low fat content. Another acquired taste.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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