Remi sez:


> Preferentially hydrogen (and all the other stuff) should have dropped to the
> ground state long ago.

Which ground state?

> So why are we all excited? (if you excuse the pun)

Don't pull my finger on a cold wintry day after I've walked across the carpet.

> Why isn't everything collapsing so that atoms are about 10pm in size?

Considering the fact that by many scientifically acceptable accounts
"Dark Matter" may actually comprise somewhere around 90 - 96% of all
the (invisible/hidden) matter in our universe, whose to say much of it
isn't languishing in what you state are Mills' highly controversial
10pm sized hydrinos?

It is perhaps one of the most amusing cosmic jokes of the modern 21st
century that so much unseen and unaccounted "matter" now appears to
exist in our universe, affecting the laws of gravity and god only
knows what else. It would appear that current text books on cosmology
are still performing intellectual cartwheels, trying to construct
acceptable theories that won't humiliate current SQM paradigms any
more than what they have had to endure.

Shoot! Let's NOT even get into all that Negative Energy, which BTW
Mill's audacious TOE theory basically predicted years before it was
actually confirmed - specifically that the expansion of the universe
is accelerating, much to the astonishment of the scientific community.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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