On Jul 20, 2009, at 5:56 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

-----Original Message-----

HH: Possibly a better way to go is to use oxygen to burn the
power plant fuel and recycle 100% of the CO2 through algae.  Then run
the power plant on the algae, its oil, cellulose and all.  No coal
necessary at all.  No sequestration necessary.  The byproduct, a lot
of liquid nitrogen ....

Horace, it gets even better than that. You do not need cryogenics or
nitrogen storage and distribution. These options have been tossed around in the past. There are a number of techniques for enriching air in O2 from
about 80/20 to about 50/50 with minimal energy expenditure.

Yes. For example, google (oxygen membrane). Also, google (oxygen conductor).

Unless the value of the nitrogen can be made higher, then full separation of the gases through cryogenics, or pressure swing techniques, etc is far too
energy intensive to make that feasible.

I don't know that to be true when you get into GW power generation. Most of the energy of compression can be recovered, provided the heat of compression is stored, or otherwise available. Much more refined heat exchange methods are affordable for very large scale liquifaction/vaporization plants than for ordinary air liquifaction plants. There is a somewhat analogous phenomenon relating to water distilling. If your sole goal is the distilling of water, then the energy obtained from generating electricity from the steam generation can be recovered by driving restive heating in the boilers. This provides a feedback effect that permits distilling water with far less energy than that required to boil it.

With the most efficient low pressure blower - the so-called squirrel-cage type, you can move tons of air per hour very cheaply, and in the process use permanent magnets (in combination with selective membranes) to play on the
very high magnetic susceptibility of O2 compared to N2.

It is more based on the the fact O2 is paramagnetic I think. O2 in gas (air) form thus can form miniture magnetic dipoles and thus can be attracted by a magnetic gradient (as opposed to a magnetic field.) Though it takes little energy to concentrate in this way, the process is slow because the diffusion rate of the O2 is low, and diffusion itself tend to cause dilution of the separated O2. The separation is limited by the diffusion equilibrium that results. Magnetic separation works better with liquid air.

There are quite a few patents and also studies like this:

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science? _ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TVM-4M221KK-C&_us er=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStr Id=962 541556&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_ userid

This abstract implies the idea is new. Hardly true! This kind of separation has been around a long time. I thought about trying to improve my home boiler by adding a magnetic separator to it decades ago. I thought the better of it after considering the possible side effects. It seems to me there was a SciAm Amateur Scientist (or maybe PopSci) article about this in the 60's.

Actually some nitrogen is preferable in the exhaust - especially for Algae growth in those strains used for food purposes, so the 50/50 mix is good.
The net exhaust gas has been reduced in volume considerably, the net
proportion of CO2 increased and it makes for a tidier system.

Regardless as to whether the CO2 comes from 100 percent recycling, or some of the new carbon comes from the air via photosynthesis, the important thing I think is to avoid burning fossil fuels to make electricity. Recovering 40 percent of the CO2 and then recycling it via photosynthesis and burning it in motor vehicles still eventually converts *all* the coal burned to CO2. It is only by closing the recovery loop, or burning renewables, or some combination, that production of CO2 from fossil fuels is avoided. If the CO2 is produced and sequestered, especially in gas form, it is likely just making a problem for future generations when it escapes, and that sequestering process (plus the coal mining) may prove to be even more expensive and location dependent than a fully renewable solution. Unfortunately most of the research is driven by a coal industry desperate to continue mining rather than adapting to manufacturing a renewable solution. They should wake up and realize that the second approach could employ a lot more people in a lot less dangerous environment.

My point restated is that what appears to be a 40 percent solution is not really a 40 percent solution, it is still a zero percent solution. *All* the CO2 from coal burning ends up in the atmosphere, though the benefit derived is improved. It is not incrementally that difficult (or even expensive apparently) to leap from the 40 percent solution (actually zero percent solution) to a hundred percent solution. I don't think this is in disagreement with any thing you've said. I think we are in much agreement. I just feel it is important to briefly focus attention on the importance of the 100 percent solution because a 40 percent conversion to biofuel solution looks like a viable compromise from a political point of view, when it really is no compromise at all on where every ounce of the the coal mined ends up.

In terms of "societal value" and especially if we avoid all coal (with its toxic ash like arsenic) I think we would be better off growing an algae
strain that is high in food protein and lower in lipids.

If the plant operator must use coal, then a strain with higher lipids would be preferable, of course; but if the plant operator knows that he will be able to reduce the net tonnage of new carbon purchased, by up to 2/3 even with food algae, then it makes shifting away from coal more palatable ...
"palatable" being the operative word.

The value of protein should always be much higher (in the big picture of 6 billion humans) than the value of cellulosic biomass. Therefore, even if an
even-swap is made (for humanitarian reasons) that is to say: algae for
biomass - then the results of having the increased high quality food
available to feed both humans and farm animals is highly beneficial.

Of course, planning-ahead with that kind of 'big picture' foresight, is not
something that capitalism does very well.


Yes, and we haven't even touched on the world wide water shortage problem. At least some oilgae can produce oil while living in salt water. That helps, but the demand for energy to make pure water from ocean water and from contaminated sources continue to grow. We clearly need to develop major new and safe global sources of energy. OTOH, maybe nature will solve the problem by a sudden reduction of the population.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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