
The original thread has splintered; one into planet Mills, the other into planet Britz. The Britz issue is an incidental side-issue. I think we are complete with our specific discussion of the CERN replication attempt of the Piantelli-Focardi work...thanks for your critical thoughts on all of that...let's move on.

Leaving the details of the Piantelli-Focardi and CERN work aside, I am curious about your thoughts in general on the larger matter.

In your book, you wrote, "Fortunately, there are good indications that cold fusion works well with abundant metals including nickel and titanium, although experiments with these materials have not yet been widely replicated, so I have lingering doubts about them."

I realize that things we all write are susceptible to obsolescence the moment the ink dries. With that caveat in mind, here is my curiosity:

Based on what I read in your book, you generally accept that LENR works with nickel but you have "lingering doubts" because of the low sampling rate. Based on what I read of you in the Piantelli-Focardi thread on Vortex, you seem to broadly and vociferously reject the Piantelli-Focardi work.

Questions (present tense):
Has your perspective about nickel LENR changed since writing your book? If not, how do you explain the development of your strong skepticism for the Piantelli-Focardi work? Is there something you know that the rest of us does not? What is the basis on which you have derived/developed your "feelings" about the Piantelli-Focardi work? I know you're a logical guy. You must have some reason.

Perhaps after the Vortex discussion you may no longer discount the Piantelli-Focardi work, and if that is the case, then my questions shift into the past tense as follows:

Questions (past tense):
Did your perspective about nickel LENR change sometime after writing your book? If not, how do you explain the development of your strong skepticism for the Piantelli-Focardi work? Was there something you knew that the rest of us did not? What was the basis on which you had derived/developed your "feelings" about the Piantelli-Focardi work?



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