Seriously though there is so much that could be done if the resources
existed, you mention a Star Trek future but who is to figure out, build and
fly the space ships?
Who is going to figure out how to live extra long? or undo the damage that
has been done to the environment?

There is plenty of stuff to be done that has much greater purpose than the
jobs people do today.

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Chris Zell <> wrote:

> Take a good look at the job market and notice the "Replicator" effect -
> plenty of minimum wage jobs and a few well paid critical jobs that have
> plenty of applicants but companies find difficult to fill.  And you think
> you can split up the hours for a couple people?
> As human beings, we are subject to physical limitations.  There are only so
> many needs to fufill. Example:  "full frontal nudity" sounds almost comical
> today in an era when Playboy is suffering because such fare is overflowing
> on the internet.  We're satiated.  Their clubs were shut down, Bunnies out
> of work and stock value down
> My local supermarket now sells every sort of cheese I have ever been aware
> of (except the fictional Venezuelan Beaver Cheese in Monty Python) .  I
> don't know and can't imagine what sort of cheese could possibly exceed
> what's available.  Perhaps something cocaine laced that produces an instant
> climax ("Not available in our snack bar, please consume in the privacy of
> your own home")
> Take note of the graphs that now show unemployment to get worse/slower to
> recover with each recession.  Start regrowing vital organs in a few years
> and we've run out of needs. One highly paid guy grows them.  Several minimum
> wage types handle the paperwork.
> If ET's exist, as utterly advanced physical creatures, I can't figure out
> what they do all day.

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