On Oct 24, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

At 08:22 AM 10/24/2009, Horace Heffner wrote:
If neutrons are produced in the lattice in an amount corresponding to He and heat production then they should be readily detectable via neutron activation of materials in or near the cathode.

One would think. It seems conceivable that there is some mechanism that results in immediate and contained capture of generated neutrons. Seems conceivable to someone like me, that is, who knows not nearly enough to come up with all the reasons either way.

Well, here's a WL take on it:


"Low energy nuclear reactions in the neighborhood of metallic hydride surfaces may be induced by ultra-low momentum neutrons. Heavy electrons are absorbed by protons or deuterons producing ultra low momentum neutrons and neutrinos. The required electron mass renormalization is provided by the interaction between surface electron plasma oscillations and surface proton oscillations. The resulting neutron catalyzed low energy nuclear reactions emit copious prompt gamma radiation. The heavy electrons which induce the initially produced neutrons also strongly absorb the prompt nuclear gamma radiation, re-emitting soft photons. Nuclear hard photon radiation away from the metallic hydride surfaces is thereby strongly suppressed."

"... the mean free path of a hard prompt gamma ray is L ∼ 3.4 Å~ 10−8 cm. Thus, prompt hard gamma photons get absorbed within less than a nanometer from the place wherein they were first created."

" ... one finds a neutron mean free path of ∼ 10^−6 cm. An ultra low momentum neutron is thus absorbed within about ten nanometers from where it was first created. The likelihood that ultra low momentum neutrons will escape capture and thermalize via phonon interactions is very small."

Twice the Bohr radius is about 1x10^-10 m, an angstrom, so the mean free path WL suggest is about 10,000 hydrogen atoms in width. Heavier atoms are not all that much bigger because atomic radius does not grow much with atomic number, e.g. radii in angstroms: Pd 1.79, Au 1.79, Ni 1.62, Li 2.05, K 2.77, Al 1.82, Cu 1.57, Pb 1.81. They apparently completely ignore the fact that most fusion in electrolysis experiments apparently happens near the surface of the cathode. They apparently ignore neutron activation of other nuclei, the atomic radii of which are not much larger than the Bohr radius, and make no effort to account for lattice element transmutation without signatures. The WL math and QM is beyond me, though highly controversial (e.g. via Hagelstein and Chaudhary), but the logic and common sense in problem definition and conclusions are in my opinion clearly controversial and not so complex issues. Experimentally, and by their own results, their theory can be tested by including in a co- deposition electrolyte extremely small trace amounts of metals (cations) suitable for delayed gamma analysis.

  Thermal neutrons are readily detected.  See:

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_activation_analysis>http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_activation_analysis

wherein thermal neutrons, i.e. with kinetic energies of less than 0.5 eV, are used. Notice the extreme sensitivity of Al, Au, Ag, Cl, Cu, Ca, K, Pt, Ti, and S to neutron activation, all elements commonly used in CF experiments. It is difficult to imagine that 20 years of experimentation with large amounts of these materials present would fail to result in the detection of the effects of slow neutrons in or near the lattice, especially in transmutation detection experiments in which the cathode is digested. This must be a common thought in response to the WL claims. There is not necessarily any emotional content, and certainly emotion is not necessary, to such a reaction to WL claims.

I haven't read the material Krivit points to yet,

What material? URL? Certainly reading WL material is essential if you are going to design an experiment based on this theory, if WL has any relation to your goals at all.

but I'm very interested in the discussion.

I don't want to be abrasive, but I dislike discussion which takes me a lot of time and work, especially if the discussion looks open ended and very time consuming, the correspondent is prolific and appears to have unlimited time on his hands, and has no compunction regarding thread hijacking followed by directing questions in a personal way. See:



No worries, in this case I'll at least momentarily be a cooperating subject. 8^) However, there may be a limited tolerance to thread hijacking here.

One of the things I intend to focus on is the detection of neutrons,

Your personal focus does not seem to me relevant to Rothwell's opinion about theory or the digression which has occurred in this thread toward the merits of WL theory.

Again, no worries. I suggest a good experimental approach for you might be to get a good neutron detector to make sure you are actually getting neutron emissions and know their spectra so you can make an educated guess as to origin, and support any advertised claims regarding kits you might sell.

the Galileo project was designed for alpha detection, and only detected neutrons,

It is highly controversial as to exactly what was detected or achieved by the Galileo protocol, if anything. For example, see:


The Galileo Project was a great idea in its time, and as well executed as can be expected. It took a HUGE amount of personal time and sacrifice from Pam Mosier-Boss, of SPAWAR and I expect a repeat project might have some severe difficulties, unless perhaps you are willing to step up to her role. However, hopefully, progress can be made well beyond that point, as the results, by themselves, are thus far *far* from convincing. I have enormous respect for Steve Krivit (and I should also say Jed too, since they seem to be having outs at the moment and I don't want to take sides, and Jed is the subject of this thread!), but the Galileo protocol seems to me to be *NOT* a protocol appropriate for dissemination on a commercial basis.

if it did, by accident, more or less like what SPAWAR did, when they decided to look at the backs of detector chips where the alpha radiation didn't penetrate, and found triple tracks.

SPAWAR experiments detect particles on the front side too. The nature of both the front side and back side particle tracks is controversial, but, for what it is worth, it seems to me personally that the SPAWAR group currently has a correct assessment regarding particle types and energies.

Gold is sensitive to neutron activation, but what will hot alphas due with gold

Get some gold foil and an alpha source and see how many neutrons you get out from the other side. Hint: this experiment has been done.

that is less common with silver or palladium, i.e., why is it reported that neutrons are more readily detected (using CR-39, looking for triple tracks) with gold substrate rather than other metals?

I don't think that conclusion is firm. Not a lot of metals have been tried and the most recent SPAWAR results, while very well done, need replication. Follow up work is clearly needed using different protocols. However, if you want some wild guesses, gold forms an excellent well sealed barrier to back side diffusion, so the rate of de-loading loss of hydrogen is small compared to the loading rate. Without some additional form of stimulation this back side barrier can, in my opinion, work against some forms of reaction and rates of reaction because the diffusion rate and thus tunneling rate is diminished.

I'm suspecting the nuclear behavior of gold under alpha bombardment is responsible for it. Any ideas:

Beryllium is used as a source of neutrons, it emits them under alpha bombardment. So... how can I incorporate beryllium into a simple codep cell, where the alphas can reach it while they are still hot? What if I had a silver cathode, with a layer of beryllium plating, followed, or not, by gold plating? Any effect? What about a small piece of beryllium foil suspended near the cathode? Chemical reactions of beryllium in the electrolyte? What would happen? So much fun, so little time.

I suggest more time be spent reading the literature.

If I get an amplified neutron signal from the presence of beryllium, it would be a strong sign of hot alphas. This possibility was suggested to me by a critic of cold fusion, there are a few who actually *think* about the problem. We need more of those.


What effects are predicted by Widom Larsen? Is neutron activation predicted, or is that mechanism interdicted in some way by the theory?

See above.

Slow neutrons are easy to detect, in fact, because they are so highly active, being able to penetrate nuclei.

Depends on the nucleus cross section for thermal neutrons. Some reactions require kinetic energy to pull off.

I'd think that in a palladium lattice at 1:1 loading, there would be more neutron activation of palladium than of deuterium. What would the products be?

I strongly recommend you buy a CRC handbook of Chemistry and Physics. The Table of Isotopes is extremely useful in that regard.

Hot neutrons won't be produced by a low-energy process. Hot neutrons are being reported by SPAWAR, estimated energy, on the order of 10 MeV. So some other process is producing them, either some kind of fusion or as a byproduct of some kind of fusion or other energy-yielding nuclear process, and hot alphas, given all the helium produced, that correlates with the excess heat in the right range, seem the most likely source of the energy for hot neutrons, given the very low levels of neutrons found, they would be signs of secondary reactions. I.e., an alpha signature, and sensitive to the environment, i.e., what the alphas can hit before they become thermal and merely ordinary helium.

I suggest you read my postings here with regard to SPAWAR and D-T reactions.

Here is a first cut at what I think might be a useful method for you, assembled from prior posts and modified:


Here is suggested a means of improving the SPAWAR experimental design to (a) avoid scratching or chemical deterioration of the particle detector surface, (b) permit very close proximity of the active material and the particle detector, (c) establish a very thin cell geometry which maximizes external applied field intensities, and (d) permit use of BC-720 plastic from Bicron Inc. or other scintillating material or counters as detectors in order to more definitively determine particle energy level spectra. This means consists of using an edge-on-grid method, described below, for co-deposition of the active layer. This method has the added advantage of establishing a cathode surface vs electrostatic field direction relationship similar to the original SPAWAR cell design.

A method to prepare an edge-on-grid is to (a) prepare a foil primary metallic layer (base) on which co-deposition is to occur (say, silver, gold, or platinum, or a metal foil for plating such on it) by coating in a grid array an etching mask on both sides of that foil, i.e a conductive grid consisting of a bunch of squares with central circles not masked, (b) etch out the array of round holes in those circles to complete the grid array, (c) leave the mask on but then go ahead and plate on any additional layers (if) desired, thus causing the inside *edges* of the grid holes to be plated, (d) bond 6 micron Mylar (the separation layer) to the back side of the foil, (e) cut a hole in the side or bottom of the electrolyte container of appropriate size so as to bond the edges of the front side of the metal foil to it (probably with chemically resistant epoxy), and then, (f) bond the base foil edges to the electrolyte container, thus sealing in the electrolyte.

Now it is possible to sandwich, on the back side of the 6 micron Mylar, i.e. the separation layer, thus unaffected by the electrolyte, particle discriminating layers of various thicknesses and types in front of particle or light detectors or detecting plastic layers like CR-39 or Bicron Inc. BC-720 scintillating plastic. It is further feasible to examine directly, or with intervening materials, one or more grid holes with photomultipliers, cameras, etc.

When running the experiment the co-deposited layer is deposited on the edges of the grid holes.

Another method might be, in place of steps (a) and (b) to coat the primary metallic (base) layer with an etching mask and then simply punch or laser etch the grid holes into it.

It may be feasible to use pressure to hold the 6 micron Mylar in place, as SPAWAR did with magnets. It is also feasible to make bags of the mylar foil to surround the cell as Earthtech did, to prevent any possibility of electrolyte contamination of particle detectors. However, if magnets are used for effect, CLOSE THE MAGNETIC CIRCUIT by using soft steel stock! Soft steel stock is cheap stuff.

It is feasible to use very thin glass, ceramic, diamond coated material (even metallic), photosensitive material, or other kinds of sheet materials as a separation layer in place of the Mylar. It is feasible to coat most any layer which is exposed to the electrolyte to achieve far less than a 6 micron separation, i.e. a very thin separation layer, especially if that layer is a particle discriminating layer. If a coating is used on a detector like CR-39, then it has to be removable by or before etching without affecting the etching results. The main objective of the layer immediately adjacent to the electrolyte, the separation layer, is merely to keep the electrolyte from affecting the next layers. The separation layer, the layer adjacent to the grid, and electrolyte, referred to as 6 micron Mylar above, provides a direct window into a cross section of the co-deposition layer on the surface of the cylindrical hole. A useful separation layer might consist of a UV transparent plastic. If the main purpose of a given experiment is to observe light emission in the UV spectrum then a much thicker layer than 6 microns of UV transparent material can obviously and conveniently be used for the separation layer.

This overall approach hopefully has the following additional advantages:

1. The stress of the expansion of the hydrogen loaded layer is applied primarily to a longest and thus strongest axis of the underlying metal grid,

2. The layer where the major action is, the co-deposited layer, is right up close to (within at most 6 microns of) the discriminating or detecting layers, avoiding long and variable paths of high energy particles through the electrolyte,

3. Hydrogen which diffuses into or through the primary metallic layer (base) has a large volume in which to continue its migration, as it diffuses sideways, as well as an alternate escape path under the mask layer, thus preventing a full build-up of pressure at the metal-to-detector laminations,

4, Micrographs of co-deposited D-Pd shows a grainy nature which is not as structurally strong as, for example, a pure Pd loaded lattice, thus the edge de-lamination force for co-deposited layers should not be nearly as strong as it was for the Patterson beads, and since some of the Patterson beads survived, hopefully a sufficient number of cells will survive without delamination,

5. By making the grid elements small, say under 0.1 cm, there will be a clear marking of a scale on the micrographs and this will hopefully assist in counting and locating tracks, although the hole diameter should of course be larger that the thickness of the primary metallic layer (base),

6. In the case of multiple plated layers, it will hopefully be clear in the tack images from which layer the track originated because the CR-39 (or other material) is essentially imaging a cross section of the plated and co-deposited layers.

Discriminating layers can be applied between the separation layer and the detecting layer. This then leaves the layers in order as:

1. electrolyte
2. acid mask with holes for making holes in the grid
3. grid base, a conductor with etched holes, with only the hole edges exposed to electrolyte
4. mask protecting conduction to the base
5. the separation layer which isolates the electrolyte from the discriminating or detecting layers
6. particle discriminating layers, if present
7. the detecting layer, i.e CR-39, BC-720, or particle or photon detectors

The edges of the holes contain the D-Pd co-deposited layer. Assuming the separating layer, and outer underlying layer, are much more compressable than metal, it also provides, in operation, some cushion for the lateral (axial) expansion of the D-Pd co-deposited layer, avoiding damage to the underlying discriminating layers or detecting layers.

There are of course a vast number of discriminating materials and thicknesses. It seems highly inadvisable to use beryllium in metallic form for various reasons, including that it is toxic, especially by inhalation, regardless of the compound. It is not something that should be provided to minors or high school students. There may be extreme liability issues for adults as well. As an aside I should mention the father of a friend of mine suffered life long from the effects of machining beryllium for use in neutron reflectors for the Manhattan Project, and was blinded by watching an atomic blast as well. Beryllium compounds might be comparatively well contained by vitrification. If you are set on using beryllium then a compound should be much easier and cheaper to use than foil. Be is very inefficient at neutron production, providing only 30 neutrons per million alpha particles. There are vastly more effective neutron detection mechanisms. Be has a low thermal neutron cross section, so should be useless in looking for WL neutrons.

I am personally interested in using high voltage fields in variations (e.g. using the grid configuration with an insulated HV electrode adhered to the back of the CR-39) related to Fig. 1 (p. 14) of:


but much of that was discussed here before.

Best of luck with your adventure,

Horace Heffner

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