I sometimes wonder if the end of the first decade of the 21st century will
eventually be described in future history books as the decade when
extraordinary highly disruptive technologies were on the brink of being
revealed to an unsuspecting public.

For example: KEPPE's recent rumblings sound to me like another kid on the
block we are aware of, those kids that call themselves STEORN. STEORN claims
they are once again about to pull another rabbit out of the hat before the
end of 2009. Not surprisingly, few within the Vort Collective (and
elsewhere) give much credence to STEORN's claims, particularly after the
disastrous Kinetica Museum demonstration flop conducted several years ago. I
myself have yet to reconcile within myself how STEORN's engineers could have
gotten as far as they claim to have gotten with their alleged ORBO
technology, but then not have pre-tested the prototype within the same harsh
environment where it would go on public display. It certainly was a lesson
on how NOT to promote and demonstrate a controversial prototype. It was, in
fact, a perfect recipe on how to lose financial backers and destroy what
tenuous credibility one may have achieved.

But who really knows what's going on in regards to all of these
extraordinary claims. It seems wiser to try to stay as neutral as possible.
I discovered that taking sides, placing myself in either the pro or con
camp, didn't really make me any more knowledgeable about the subject than I
was before. In the end, taking sides felt like I was doing nothing more than
"pilling" myself. All I was really doing was giving myself the equivalent of
a psychological pacifier, to generate a false sense of continuity while
negotiating my way through an unfathomable universe. Taking sides only made
me feel like I belonged to a group of like-minded individuals who often
seemed to do nothing more than self-congratulate each other's decision to
join their "camp". In the end I still had to admit to myself that I didn't
have a clue. So, why not just admit to myself that I remain clueless! There
is no dishonor in that.

Of course, there is also BLacklight Power, lurking in the corners. And LENR
seems to be incubating nicely. I haven't heard much from MPI lately. I'm
sure there are others as well.

Will any of these extraordinary creatures hatch their long overdue offspring
in the next decade?


Steven Vincent Johnson

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