
> Suppose for a moment that both Mills hydrino, and Guglinski neutron are 
> correct models, defining in some cases the same underlying physical reality, 
> and in other cases not, or at least, not necessarily. Then the following 
> question arises: What differentiates a Guglinsky neutron from a Mills hydrino 
> [at max redundancy], and also from an Hydrogen atom?

Basically, one can suggest that there two or more similar species of neutral 
particle with a mass near one amu. Without attempting to take a stab at 
answering the related problems of that viewpoint in full, let me say it raises 
an issue that has been in back of my mind for some time wrt the isotope of 
oxygen 18-O and its surprising abundance, given that 16O is "so perfect" in 
many ways from the nuclear isotope perspective. 

BTW - 18O may be an unappreciated reactant in LENR, especially Mizuno-type glow 
discharges, and/or other HV regimes - depending on the source of the heavy 
water. This 18 amu isotope of oxygen is 15 times more common in water molecules 
than is deuterium, for instance, and its abundance in "cool environments" could 
be an anomaly in itself, considering the remarkable nuclear stability of 16O 
and the difference in the stellar ratio, compared to earth - that too is an 
anomaly. In seawater, there are 5 atoms of 18-O per 1000 atoms of 16-O which is 
half a percent. The ratio can be much higher in "fossil ice" given a slight 
difference in boiling point. 

In fact, it has been said that if you buy heavy water from an unreliable 
sources (let's say from Asia) then it may indeed have an atomic mass of 20 but 
contain almost no Deuterium !

Guglinski’s basic model of neutron n= p+e is far from new except perhaps for 
the ‘helical trajectory,’ as there are similar models from others. In another 
post today, it was suggested that we start a compilation of the various 
viewpoints on this. If we bifurcate the issue into the proposition that there 
are at least "two basic varieties" of neutral 1-amu particle - essentially one 
type that only resides within the nucleus, and the other which can reside 
comfortably just outside the geometrical limits of the nucleus, then it may be 
easier to get a handle on a number of issues. 

One of which is the reason for this post - as it relates to the conversion of 
normal water vapor in the upper atmosphere, directly into 18-O via high energy 
photon or cosmic ray. That would be a possible mechanism for the surprising 
abundance of 18O in Earth's oceans.

BTW the electron antineutrino, when adsorbed or shed, may effectively convert 
one variety of "neutron" into the other (if the hypothesis of two or more is 

Anyway, more on this after the Holidays.


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