IANAP, however Dr. De does have an interesting theory.  And, it seems
easy to verify:

"In Section 10 of my paper, I describe an experiment involving
weighing a solenoid of known inductance L when a current I is passing
through it, and when there is no current passing through it. The
former weight should be larger by a well-known amount given by the
mass-energy relation in terms of L and I. However, if my theory is
correct, the mass increase will be twice as much."

<end quote>

I'll have to read more about it.  Thanks, Chris!


On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 9:59 PM, Chris Zell <chrisrz...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> see:
> http://www.bibhasde.com/defense.html
> A whole new physics.  Wow!  Could relate to free energy stuff

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