ONCE AGAIN:  Half-reading/inperpretation of the 'research-data' leads to a 

incorrect REVERSE SUPPOSITION & subsequent MIS-APPLICATION/Mis-focus of 

research efforts which will thusly tend to lead to MIS-MEDICATION(expensive) 
and prolongued suffering(extremely expensive by implication of being multiplied 
by 'time' & 'non-improvement &/or minimal therapeutive effectiveness; while 
providing 'just-enough' relief to rationalize continuing the ongoing 
'expensive' folly ad infinitum cum muertos).


Just a thought.


* * * It would be 'more correct' to say that--->"Research has shown that those 

who 'carry' the herpes-simplex-virus and exhibit the symptoms of cold-sores 
&/or shingles &/or

who 'do not' tend to build sufficient 'anti-viral antigen-markers & subsequent 
T-cell' immunites

to this virus; subsequently 'may' tend to build the types of brain-plaques that 
'may' lead to Alzheimer's symtoms.


HOWEVER:  For those individuals whose immune systems DO-TEND to build strong 

anti-viral immune response to the Herpes-simplex-I virus RATHER IN OPPOSITE; 
then 'may' tend gain an IMMUNE-RESISTENCE both to the Herpes-Simplex-I  virus & 
ALZHEIMERS as well thrown into the bargain.  


If further research indicates this favorable  VACCINATION-trait of the HS-I 
virus relative to Alzheimers; then subsequent EFFECTIVE-ANTIVIRAL agents to the 
HS-I virus MAY lead to joinly effective developement of a vaccine against both 
HS-I & Alzheimers.  Thusly ATTENUATED HS-I VIRUS/&/concurrent ANTI-VIRAL 
therapy 'might' be used as an EFFECTIVE MEANS TO COMBAT(vaccinate against) 


Classically our first successful vaccines against SMALLPOX were merely effected 
by applying the scratch-application/innoculation technique(crude/basic; but 
effective) to apply relatively harmless(but Small-Pox closely related) COWPOX 
virus; and that was easily echeived by simply using as serum, the 'pustule 
fluid' from a currently COWPOX infected individual.  It worked quite well.


But currently we are 'so-repelled' by the 'idea' of intentionally being 
'contaminated' by even 'attenuated' HERPES VIRUS that we are likely looking 
more toward exotic techniques such as gene-therapy/gene-splicing to come up 
with a more HIGH-TECH(and expensive) solution.


But some of our 'originally discovered' vaccination techniques as simple as 
Cowpox-Smallpox may as yet have 'not entirely' lost their relatively effective 


BUT METHINKS that 'anti-virals' hold the 'key' to dealing with such as 
Alzheimers/Lou Gerig's/MS/Parkinsons and other 'neuron-disintegrative(maybe 
mylin-atropheing also)' conditions.  That's just a 'hunch.'


Ciao; Jack Harbach O'Sullivan


> From: hheff...@mtaonline.net
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Alzheimer's and herpes zoster should be studied.
> Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 06:37:50 -0900
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> On Mar 6, 2010, at 9:43 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:
> > Nice study. Hope it holds up.
> What would be nice to discover is that a Shingles vaccination could 
> reduce or delay the onset of Alzheimer's for a substantial percent of 
> the population, say 15 percent or more.
> [snip]
> > one data point:
> > I know someone who had shingles about 14 years ago, but he has not 
> > developed Alzheimer's.
> >
> >
> > Possibly a new method of detecting Alzheimer's:
> >
> > Eye test that spots Alzheimer's 20 years before symptoms: Middle- 
> > aged could be screened at routine optician's visit
> >
> > http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1243181/Simple-eye-test- 
> > Alzheimers-catch-disease-crucial-early-stage.html
> >
> > http://tinyurl.com/ycgesjs
> >
> >
> >
> > Harry
> There is a well known genetic predisposition factor in Alzheimer's.
> >
> > On Mar 5, 2010, at 1:38 AM, Horace Heffner wrote:
> >> The relationship between Alzheimer's and herpes zoster should be 
> >> studied. A solid link between herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV1 and 
> >> Alzheimer's has been found. See:
> >>
> >> "Cold Sore Virus Linked To Alzheimer's Disease: New Treatment, Or 
> >> Even Vaccine Possible":
> >>
> >> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/12/081207134109.htm
> >>
> >> http://tinyurl.com/5ujyxx
> >>
> In regards to HSV1, the above reference explicitly states: "The team 
> had discovered much earlier that the virus is present in brains of 
> many elderly people and that in those people with a specific genetic 
> factor, there is a high risk of developing Alzheimer's disease."
> For this reason there should be a large percentage of the population 
> that does not develop Alzheimer's regardless their history - those 
> who do not have the genetic predisposition.
> I suggested Shingles may play a direct role, or possibly a role in 
> the onset of Alzheimer's, and a survey may be useful in indicating 
> whether such a link exists. The viral DNA found in the plaque is 
> that of HSV1. That indicates an HSV1 vaccine, once developed, may be 
> effective in preventing the disease. Meanwhile, if Singles does 
> indeed play a role in the onset of the disease, merely obtaining a 
> Shingles vaccination, which is recommended by authorities for those 
> over 60 anyway, may prevent the onset of Alzheimer's in a significant 
> percentage of the population.
> Thanks for posting that new Alzheimer's screening test information. 
> I hope that becomes commonly available soon. It sounds like it should 
> work for more than just Alzheimer's. It should determine the 
> existence of other forms of dementia as well.
> Best regards,
> Horace Heffner
> http://www.mtaonline.net/~hheffner/
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