Terry sez:

> Ooops!  Sorry.  I forgot you were a secular humanist.

<Sunday Sermon>

Doesn't matter. Works for atheists too. A "higher power" can refer to an
awareness (an acknowledgment) that there exists something greater than
ourselves. Doesn't have to be a g_d. It could just as easily be the "power"
of being in the presence of the group. 

In my experience, the trick is to simply let go of one's concept of a "self"
particularly our desperate and futile attempts to defend and/or protect
it... It's been my experience that the "self" never needs protection. Never
did. Simply give up. But, oh, how scary that sounds!!!! I'll be

No you won't.

But I think you already knew this. ;-)

</Sunday Sermon>

Steven Vincent Johnson

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