Summary:  I should be able to buy a reasonably luxurious automobile from
China for
  only the Chinese cost of raw materials, I'd guess <$2000.00.

  It seems the Chinese want to give away their manufactured goods for less
than the cost of
  shipping alone!  This is quite astounding to me.  Hey, if they want to
give away stuff, I'm happy to receive it.

  I was able to build up a fairly well equipped machine shop to build my
second helicopter
  for very little money.  There's no way I could have afforded all these
tools and materials before
  Harbor Freight Tools opened their stores.

  As I have previously posted, my color laser printer failed which cost
~$500 a few years ago
  and I dismantled it.  If the military had ordered one of these, it would
have cost millions.

  I replaced it with an HP color laser printer which cost <$250.00, and it's
better and more complicated.

  Then my 17 year old thermal fax machine failed.  I found a new Brother
color fax machine for <$60.00 !
  It includes a scanner, printer, copier also!  In  '70's dollars, the price
would have been about $10.00 since
  the dollar is so lowly valued these days.

  If this trend keeps up, I should be able to buy a personal superconducting
supercollider for a few thousand
  dollars soon.

  Something just "doesn't compute" about all this"

  Hoyt Stearns
  Scottsdale, Arizona US

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