It has a link to a writing of yesterday, Celani is there- our friend

The essence is that the demo works.

I have waited almost 22 years to see that. Details later, I am studying the


On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 7:44 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> I do not know what to make of this. Here is an eye-witness report of a
> press conference, which sounds like what is scheduled for tomorrow. Perhaps
> this was a dress rehearsal and they intend to do it again. See:
>  Italian)
>  into English)
> According to this they are measuring the heat by weighing the amount of
> water boiled off. That's a good technique with such high power levels. The
> technique used to measure input power is not described.
> Someone named Celani was there. I do not know if it is Francesco Celani.
> This report is annoyingly vague. The author should have done more old
> fashioned reporting: what, where, who, when. It leaves many open questions,
> such as: How big is the device? Is it the one shown in the photo recently
> uploaded to this blog? Is this the press conference scheduled for tomorrow?
> Which members of the press were there?
> Perhaps it is clearer in Italian. Google translate is remarkable, but it
> has its limits.
> - Jed

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