All Catalysts are normally considered accelerators of standard reactions and
skeletal catalysts are based on Casimir geometry / suppression of energy
density which is known to lead

To relativistic effects on the half lives of radioactive gas. Perhaps Rossi
is using sodium or other very slightly radioactive material to make an
accelerator into an amplifier? My premise is that

Both the radioactive gas and the hydrogen reactions are aging relative to us
at a rate related to the Casimir force/geometry turning relatively innocuous
materials into radiation emitters from our perspective but unchanged from
their own local perspective.  I don't know how such seemingly sparse
radiation would be translated back to our frames -  a single emission an
hour might appear a thousand fold faster from our perspective but the
radiation leaves the particle normally from a local perspective . I guess my
question is would time dilation concentrate or dilute radiation during a
space time translation? Could the dimension of time be acting like a
radiation shield?



Terry Blanton
Tue, 18 Jan 2011 14:46:12 -0800

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:


> This amplification of input is why he has named it the way he has.


Although, it would not really be amplification, would it?  The

reaction has a known instability and he uses the 400 W stable source

to mask that instability.


Real time measurements of the core would tell the truth.





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