
We know that mean root square speed in specific perpendicular directions is
like this

Vrms^2 = 3 Vrmx_x^2 = 3 Vrmx_y^2 = 3 Vrmx_z^2

What is the relation for the mean linear speed Vavg in specific directions?

Could it be like this, that the components can be vector summarized to get
the total?
Vavg^2 =  Vavg_x^2 + Vavg_y^2 + Vavg_z^2

And assuming isotropic distributions (Vavg_x = Vavg_y = Vavg_z) leading to
Vavg^2 =  3Vavg_x^2 + Vavg_y^2 + Vavg_z^2
which is like the relation on top.

If so then I have to recalculate my gas shear stress derivation on arXiv.
But since I am not sure I need some confirmation first. Please help.


David Jonsson, Sweden, phone callto:+46703000370

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