On 02/14/2011 07:55 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> The Rossi reactor was running at 40:1 output the day before the Jan.
> 14 demo. As often happens with demos, it failed to work as well that
> day. It did not work at all for a while and the audience was getting
> rowdy.
> It can easily go above 400 deg C.

Has there been a demonstration with it producing 400 C steam?  Do you
know who witnessed it?

If it's true, it changes a lot of aspects which have been discussed
here, and throws out a lot of assumptions and speculation that's been
floated about regarding the tight temperature band in which the device
was believed to operate.

> Carnot efficiency will not be an issue.
> The 1 MW reactor will be used to produce hot water. I have no idea who
> needs that much hot water.
> - Jed

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