The difference is, your plan depends on the device working. His may not.

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Peter Gluck wrote:
>> As regarding Rossi's bad PR he is just following Pitigrilli's "Do not give
>> me advices, I can err myself" The lack of a theory is disturbing, his method
>> of scale-up is strange, but he answers patiently to hundreds of questions of
>> diverse levels of IQ and good/ill-will. Put yourself in his place. What
>> could be an optimal strategy for him?
> 1. Stop responding to all those hundreds of messages. His responses confuse
> the issue. They contradict one another. In some cases they are flat out
> factually wrong.
> 2. Hire the best patent firm money can buy. Have them write a bullet-proof
> patent. The ones Rossi himself writes are ridiculous and would never
> withstand a challenge.
> 3. Make 2 or 3 machine and put them in major corporations and labs such as
> the NRL, which has a test-bed facility designed for a machine of this size
> and scale. (They described it at ICCF-16.) Have the corporations and the NRL
> write authoritative reports describing their verification procedures.
> 4. Have some national labs verify the transmutations.
> 5. Take the reports and transmutation data to the Patent Office. They will
> have no choice but to grant the patent. That is what experts in patents have
> told me.
> 6. License the technology to any corporation on earth that wants to build
> it. Let the corporations, regulators, and governments handle the details.
> 7. Sit back and count the money. Don't worry about opposition or public
> relations; the corporations that want to manufacture the machine will take
> care of it. Don't worry about a thing -- just count the money.
> Let me summarize the difference in scale and intent between Rossi's
> business plans and what I propose. Rossi plans to cross the channel from
> England to France with a dozen of his friends for a day-trip picnic at the
> shore. I propose the D-Day Normandy Invasion. Rossi's plans will fail, for
> several reasons, such as the fact that you cannot install a nuclear reactor
> that works for unknown reasons, and the fact that many powerful forces
> ranging from the APS, the DoE and the fossil fuel industry will be
> determined to crush him. My plans will succeed because I propose to bring
> much the power of the establishment to his side, in an alliance working in
> his favor. Rossi and that small company in Greece alone have no chance of
> defeating Exxon Mobile. Rossi plus Mitsubishi, General Electric and the
> People's Republic of China will go through Exxon Mobile like shit through a
> goose.
> My plan has many advantages to making a 1 MW reactor. It will be much
> faster. His plan will take decades to have a minor effect; mine would
> bankrupt the fossil fuel industry in a decade. My plan is far cheaper for
> him to implement. It cannot accidentally irradiate and kill hundreds of
> residents of Florida (possibly thousands). It will earn him orders of
> magnitude more money -- assuming his present plans make any money at all,
> which seems unlikely to me. It is the conventional, tried-and-true way to
> make money with intellectual property.
> - Jed

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