From: Jed Rothwell 


*  Rossi emphatically does not want to give his results away! He has made it
clear on many occasions that he hopes to make a lot of money. 


Yes, abundantly clear! In short, the whole "altruism" thing borders on
laughable according to N.H. connections familiar with this situation, or to
anyone who has closely followed his story, and talked to people who know
Rossi personally. 


He may be (is) a genius inventor, that is not in question - but he seems to
have little concept of basic honesty. 


This goes much further than the toxic dumping conviction in Italy, and his
lame excuse - trying to blame it on the Italian mafia, for instance. LOL. 


Plus, there are reasons to doubt his story about the sale of his business
and particular the thousand reactors, cough, cough.


As of this fiscal year - Leonardo, Corp. has NOT been sold! And he or his
agent would be required to report it.


His basic credulity is a looming issue that may tarnish everything, even a
convincing demo .



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