I originally proposed the following reactions as justifying the Rossi results:

 58Ni28 + p* --> 59Cu29 *  --> 59Ni28 + neutrino
 58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Zn30 *  --> 60Ni28 + 2 neutrinos
 60Ni28 + p* --> 61Cu29 * --> 61Ni28 + neutrino
 61Ni28 + p* --> 62Cu29 * --> 62Ni28 + neutrino
 62Ni28 + p* --> 63Cu29
 64Ni28 + p* --> 65Cu29

This has the now obvious problem of producing radioactive 59Ni, via the first reaction. Is there any potential reason only the second reaction should be probable? Yes. The reason is the same reason behind my suggestion that nuclear catalytic reactions may be responsible for the bulk of D+D-->4He (net) reactions in Pd, as described here:


in association with reports C and D. Since few people read linked references, here is the important part of what is said in regards to those reports:

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Report C, including 288 reactions in 20 pages, 44 kB, demonstrates 3- body nuclear catalytic LENR reactions, which can more simply just be be called “nuclear catalytic reactions”, or NCRs, a new class of LENR reaction proposed by this author. This class of reaction may provide a fundamental new understanding of how hydrogen fusion most often occurs in a lattice, by use of the lattice heavy element nuclei as catalysts. A given hydrogen atom is much closer to lattice element nuclei than to any other hydrogen atom in the lattice. If a hydrogen nucleus is in the deflated state, it is much more probable it will tunnel to a lattice nucleus than to the site of another hydrogen nucleus which is much further away. Tunneling distance is in an exponential term of the tunneling probability. The lattice nucleus can thus act as a catalyst for multiple simultaneous deuteron reactions which would otherwise not be feasible under less than extreme loading conditions. In that magnetic gradients are necessary to the tunneling of deflated state nuclei, and thus heavy element LENR, it is therefore also true that magnetic gradients are important to n-body heavy element catalytic LENR. High magnetic fields are also important to deflation fusion because it tends to spin align the deflated nucleus and thus improve spin coupling binding energy. While only 3-body reactions of the type:

X + 2 D* --> X + Y

were selected for Report C, it is also true that many more (n+1)-body catalytic reactions of the form:

X + n D* --> X + Y

can be found in Report A, and reactions solely of that type are in Report D. It is likely that 3-body catalytic reactions, rather than n- body reactions, n > 3, dominate heavy element catalyzed LENR, so Report C was created to show only those reactions, though it is very boring as they are all exactly of the form:

X + 2 D* --> X + 4He2 + 23.847 MeV

What notably changes is the energy deficit due to deflated electrons. It appears elements heavier than tin can be expected to be capable of weak reactions and heavy element transmutation LENR. It is especially notable that no equivalent report is feasible for the strong force catalytic reactions:

X + 2 p* ---> X + Z

because no such reactions are feasible producing stable Z, because pp is not a stable particle. This makes for a significant difference between light water and heavy water experiments. Light water experiments are not capable of heavy element catalytic LENR unless weak reactions follow the creation of the compound nucleus. This makes such reactions rare. It is feasible for X + n p* --> X + Z heavy element transmutation reactions to occur via strong force reactions, but only in the cases n > 2, or the cases of reactions of the form X + 2 p* --> Y + H. It is important to note that

X + 2 p* --> Y + H

is energetically not the same as:

X + p* --> Y

because the negative energy due to the two catalytic electrons in the former greatly exceeds the negative energy provided by the single catalytic electron in the later reaction. Further, two additional bodies are available to carry off kinetic energy. For example, consider the two reactions:

26Mg12 + p* --> 27Al13 + 8.271 MeV [3.663 MeV]
26Mg12 + 2 p* --> 27Al13 + 1H1 + 8.271 MeV [-1.593 MeV]

The trapping energy of the extra deflated electron provides a strong catalytic influence due to the initial negative reaction energy, i.e. due to deflated electron binding energy immediaely post fusion.

Report D, 136 kB, including 2,016 reactions in 94 pages, provides all the energetically feasible X + n D* --> X + Z Reactions, for n = 1 to 4. These are in the set of all n-body heavy element nuclear catalytic LENR reactions, a new class of reaction. Note the preponderance of negative energies in brackets for the heaviest lattice elements. This indicates good prospects for subsequent weak reactions when these heavy elements are in the lattice.

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end quote

Report C is found at:


In addition to the above reasons for 3 nucleus catalytic reactions, is the prospect a lattice is made of atoms with nominal nuclear magnetic moments, or highly shielded (by orbital electrons) magnetic moments. In these cases, it is magnetically and energetically far better that two deflated hydrogen atoms, which have very high magnetic moments due to their electrons, tunnel simultaneously. Given the close proximity of hydrogen to lattice nuclei, this makes nuclear catalytic action, especially in the absence of high tunneling rates, the most likely pathway for D+D-->He fusion (net).

It is notable the above comments do not take into account potential follow-on weak reactions.

Similar comments apply to absorbed protium in Ni. The Ni nucleus is magnetically shielded by its orbital electrons. This might restrict nickel-protium reactions to the form Ni + 2 p* --> X.

It is well known that LENR does not form radioactive nuclei. The presence of two protons and two electrons in the new compound nucleus provides multiple pathways required to make this feasible. Dropping to the lowest energy level feasible, in the presence of a large energy deficit, makes formation of non-radioactive products likely.

Now, to review the Ni-H reactions, as originally proposed, in this light:

 58Ni28 + p* --> 59Cu29 *  --> 59Ni28 + neutrino
 58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Zn30 *  --> 60Ni28 + 2 neutrinos
 60Ni28 + p* --> 61Cu29 * --> 61Ni28 + neutrino
 61Ni28 + p* --> 62Cu29 * --> 62Ni28 + neutrino
 62Ni28 + p* --> 63Cu29
 64Ni28 + p* --> 65Cu29

What is feasible within the newly proposed reaction rules are:

 58Ni28 (68.0769 ) + 2 p* --> 60Zn30 * --> 60Ni28 + 2 neutrinos
 60Ni28 (26.2231 ) + 2 p* --> 62Zn30 * --> 62Ni28 + 2 neutrinos
 61Ni28 (1.1399 ) + 2 p* --> 63Zn30 * --> 63Cu29 + neutrino
 62Ni28 (3.6345 ) + 2 p* --> 64Zn30
 64Ni28 (0.9256 ) + 2 p* --> 66Zn30

Natural abundances are shown in parentheses. The last three reactions are the "money" reactions, producing large enthalpy. It is notable that only the third reaction produces copper, and that is 63Cu only.

This does not match the stated experimental results that ordinary copper abundances were found in the ash. Also, a small amount of zinc should have been observed. The Ni abundances should have shifted upward in atomic mass.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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