Jones Beene <> wrote:
> Ø  Similar stainless steel surfaces in teapots transfer heat at roughly
> this rate without difficulty.
> Nonsense. Water going thru the Rossi reactor is in contact with the reactor
> only for milliseconds ! A teapot takes minutes to boil.

This assertion makes no sense. Different water is constantly in contact with
the surface. Cooler water, in fact. All water molecules are the same.

In a fission reactor core, or a combustion reactor, the water is constantly
in motion, driven by convection and mechanically by powerful pumps.
Therefore a given water molecule comes in contact with the hot metal for
only milliseconds.

For that matter, the water in a teapot moves rapidly from convection, coming
into contact with the hot metal for only a few milliseconds before moving
out of the way, allowing other water access to the bottom.

- Jed

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