If you search on effective mass you will find a tensor.

On Apr 24, 2011 9:02 PM, "Charles Hope" <lookslikeiwasri...@gmail.com>
> I didn't see tensors mentioned in the Wikipedia page. Tensors of what
degree? Wouldn't you be dealing with a distribution of them anyway?
> Sent from my iPhone.
> On Apr 24, 2011, at 10:28, David Jonsson <davidjonssonswe...@gmail.com>
>> I have really found a bad thing. On the link below they talk about
effective mass whewre they model the mass of the electron as a tensor
instead of calculating with the forces from surrounding atoms. It looks real
bad. I was planning on using the well known spring formula omega^2 = k/m and
now m turns out to be a tensor!
>> I think it is bad physics to insert the concept of effective mass tensor.
It is being detemined by measurements with various methods so it can include
other effects.
>> I think it would be better to assume that permeability and permittivity
changes in space. That leads to an apparent change in electron mass since it
increases the magnetic reluctance of the electron. Since the mass and charge
relation of an electron is fixed it is impossible to distinguish if an
apparent increase in inertia of the electron is due to mass increase or
change in its magnetic field. Since mass is to be considered fixed and
permeability (µ) and permittivity (€) variable I think it is better to stick
to that view.
>> I will use the classical electron mass with eventual alterations to € and
µ if needed.
>> David
>> On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 3:33 PM, David Jonsson <
davidjonssonswe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This might be an easy question but it is not on my mind right now.
>> I would like to determine the trajectory of the electrons in plasma
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_oscillation
>> I need this in order to find out how big an eventual magnetic field from
in can be in the case of rotating medium.
>> The plasma oscillation is like a thermal vibration in the sense that
electrons go back and forth. Since the central acceleration is different in
forwards and backwards motion the orbit of the electron is not linear but
sightly elliptic and thus rotating and giving cause to a magnetic field.
>> I sit in a park in Stockholm and I try to determine this effect. Winter
has ceased and there are bumble bees, wasps and butterflies flying around
here. The first ones I have seen this year. i have 4 hours battery left on
the laptop and I hope this is enough for at least some partial results.
>> David
>> David Jonsson, Sweden, phone callto:+46703000370

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