Thanks for your enlightened reply, I'm curious about such things.

Here's a specific application I'm thinking about:

Given that infinite free energy is available ( which is certainly is, since
we know E=MC2,  and it's just an engineering detail how to take advantage of
that, and engineers always solve such problems ) , here's a practical

Lets also assume that there exists a mechanical device that absorbs power
without getting hot (Steorn claims such a thing) .

Maybe it's possible to build a heat sink that absorbs energy without getting

Is it feasible to build a laptop computer or cell phone with an Intel
Core1000 processor that dissipates 1kW, but somehow can remain cool without
charring your breeches? 

If I recall my thermodynamics, a heat engine dissipates the same heat (
calories ) as the source supplies, just at a lower temperature -- is that
correct? Maybe one could run a heat engine feeding a universal absorber and
have the cold side not get too hot -- but then the heat would have to go

A problem seems to be that the temperature difference between the source,
around 90?c and the cold side, say 40?c doesn't yield much efficiency (
50/300 = 16% ).  Is there a practical way to use these potential new
technologies to keep the cool so to speak?

A solution would have enormous practical significance.

Hoyt Stearns
Scottsdale Arizona US  ( Anxiously awaiting the arrival of 50?c outside air
temperature -- but the dew point is -40 degrees so it's cool :-) )

>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Jones Beene [] 
> Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 2:29 PM
> To:
> Subject:      RE: [Vo]:The Rossi device is not a heat pump
> From: Hoyt A. Stearns Jr. 
> *     
>       *       Assume there's a device that can absorb energy, whether
> mechanical, electrical, or thermal, but not get hot -- the energy is sent
> to some unspecified alternate universe let us say for the sake of
> argument.... For the sake of this argument, assume that such a device
> exists....How useful is this?  
> First there is a differentiation which is needed. Is the material in
> question a superconductor of heat, like the "Qu-tubes" or is it actually
> absorbing heat and staying cold ? If it is the later, and there is no
> obvious endothermic reaction which benefits, then a guess - which is as
> much philosophical as it is based on thermodynamic issues, is that it
> gains something of equal net energy, but lower energy density. 
> IOW:  first off - there is a hierarchy of energy "varieties" but this is
> poorly defined at present. "Heat", defined as phonon vibration, would be
> at the low end, but not the lowest. Above that (or overcalling) are
> photons, but in their own hierarchy based on wavelength: RF, IR, visible,
> UV, EUV, ex-ray, gamma. Above that is "emf" in the form of electrical
> current or equivalent. Above that ? ... probably "matter" and high energy
> gammas will condense into matter on occasion. But your question really
> goes to the other end of the scale: sub-heat, so to speak.
> Below "heat" is where you would look to see what repercussions follow from
> a with a material which is a heat sink at ambient. It would probably gain
> "the next lower form of energy." One possibility goes back to Frank
> Grimer's concept of "compreture" - in that an object can lose heat and
> gain pressure and maintain a net balance. But that does not apply here.
> Another possibility for the general identity of that next lower form of
> energy can be simplified as "potential energy" and this covers a wide
> range of possibilities. There are hierarchies there as well - but if a
> material sheds heat to another dimension, it may gain potential energy in
> some form.
> I know your next question, but I'll let others jump in to test the water
> on that one... since 'anti-gravity' is a subject that generally makes me
> too light-headed to keep a straight face. Can you spell "Casimatter"? 
> Jones

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