Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All the arguments about wet steam or dry steam are bullshit.  Water
> cannot leave the reaction vessel without directly flowing out.  If no
> water reaches the hose, it can only escape as steam.

Well, as you said, it might be filling up the chimney and then flowing out.
You need a window to be sure. If he had held the tube up to the black cloth
for several minutes I suppose we would have seen it.

I don't see an RH meter in this test.

Rossi says the hose is short but it seems long to me. Enough to radiate a
lot of heat. About as much as a 1 or 2 kW electric heater, which means the
steam has lost a lot of its umph by the time it reaches the end, to address
Abd's concern.

- Jed

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