2011/6/25 Horace Heffner <hheff...@mtaonline.net>:
> A tea pot has no means to overflow. Water is not continually added.  It is
> also not designed like a percolator, with large confined boiling
> compartment, and a narrow short chimney.

It does not require much engineering to modify tea pot that it
supports adding water during boiling...

But you got the design of E-Cat wrong, because chimney is wider than
actual boiling area near reactor core. Therefore it is not percolator
like setup, but more like a teapot. We now this because it produces as
dry steam as tea pot. If you say that E-Cat acts like a percolator,
then you need to have better and detailed knowledge about E-Cat, but
you have none. Therefore your discussion is just plain speculation and
it does not have any basis on facts.


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