[ This message is delayed from yesterday's "prison" foo ]

The defkalion search is working pretty well for me.


A couple of goodies :

Re: Who are we communicating with @ Defkalion GT

we can not name user Defkalion GT a spokesman as far as during this week consists of three men and a woman that are responsible to support and monitor our forum.
The one responsible to shoot with the keyboard this post works in R&D and obviously is the good guy. Unfortunately this position (shooting with the keyboard as the good guy) is a rolling, as far as every week a different R&D good guy takes this responsibility. Very good chance to rest and to see "what is going out there".

In most cases, comments posted as Defkalion GT are agreed within the team. In case there is something we do not know, we go and ask heads of other departments and then respond to you accordingly.

Two of this team, the ugly and the good, have personal experiences in tests in different levels, including performance tests on e-cat lab prototypes and Hyperions.

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Re: Wish list for ECAT devices
Dave wrote:
2) A second part of this question is: At what temperature does the core operate?.

The tempereratures of the e-cat/ kernel of Hyperion, never exceeds 500C in a controlled operation. In case of fail of a critical component in Hyperions, there are safety mechanisms that put kernel operation off. In a non-controlled environment, meaning the operation of a e-cat with extreme setup adjustments and with the absense of any controls, it is posible to reach temperatures that melt the kernel. In all of such tests performed, such melting conditions had stoped the reaction (which is not a chain reaction) with no hazardus emitions of all kind. Still it is dangerous due to very high temperatures.

[ They confirm the external heater is always in ioperation, and part of the control loop. ]

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Is there any information on the E-Cat you can share with us NOW that will make us believe it is real?

Test results will be published. Why is it so important to believe NOW? We are not selling any products or anything elese now.
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They have a sense of humor on SOME things :

Re: Atmosphere At Defkalion

They do not allow us yet to perform explosions of Hyperions at the beach (according to some people believes, we must have something very explosive in our hands).

[ and they liked the Hitler video ]

BUT they banned  a poster who "insulted" them.

Re: Unban Stella_Nokia

Stella_Nokia's questions or opinions have not and they will not been moderated. We really thank her for them and her contribution so far but, in this part of the world we do not play and joke with people's reputations. And we do not allow anyone to insult our country and its people using arguments one can buy with 80cents in the corner just to make some of her arguments to look stronger.

The members of this forum are welcomed but they are hosted in a Greek forum which, first of all, has to protect some non negotiable values. Stella was warned twice and she denied to understand that we do not play games with our people's or our country's reputation accepting cheap excuses about actors and how beautiful they look in US TV screens concluding very clearly that she does not care if banned.

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Interesting wiki on melting point of nanopowders:

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