Hi Peter,

               As with Scott I agree with most of what you said to the
extent that you pursued it but disagree with your assumption that I have any
interest in a moving plate to derive energy or in Scott's pursuit of a
mirror that can absorb energy and then reradiate it unequally in a spatial
vector to provide thrust. I do believe this field may lead to a space drive
system but I don't believe Casimir plates ALONE can produce thrust or
energy, be it from the rectified mechanical energy of moving plates AND I
don't believe Casimir plates ALONE can produce a vectored "thrust" as Scott
suggested in his VTEC paper. My position requires an unbalanced interaction
of a gas with changes in Casimir geometry - the plates only produce the
environment and you still need an object to interact with said environment
for any gain opportunities.


You made a good point about the energy required to "make" a plate and the
additional energy required to pull them apart - The stiction forces are
always going to attempt to pull the plates together and it will always take
more to pull them apart but there are other opportunities.. if we are only
trying to create a "permanent" cavity like leaching the aluminum out of
Rayney nickel to create a tapestry of Casimir geometries then we can
distribute the energy cost over the lifetime of the cavities. This goes back
to what I said about creating an " environment" that enhances the
probability - No one would disagree that a spaceship travelling near C or
approaching an event horizon would appear to LOWER the probability of
nuclear reactions from our perspective simply due to time dilation  . BUT  I
am suggesting that the  LOWER  vacuum energy density we observe in a Casimir
cavity is also a relativistic effect and the unit time quantum is now
shorter instead of the more familiar longer wavelengths we observer from our
inertial frame when viewing objects approaching C or an event horizon.  My
real heresy is suggesting that suppression doesn't pay the Pythagorean
penalty of the V^2/C^2 relationship and instead directly effects C such that
even objects with low spatial velocity can assume negative energy relative
to objects outside the cavity. Which is to say we outside the cavity appear
to be the Paradox twin approaching C and slowing down due to time dilation
relative to the modified ratio of  V^2/C^2 inside the cavity.


All the above requires a gas migrating through the changing Casimir geometry
in a biased manner - I don't believe in getting something for nothing and
think the random motion of gas and geometry of both the gas and the cavity
combine to steer the gas through the different energy densities in an
asymmetrical manner - I am convinced that Casimir geometry creates a
balanced segregation where the lower density focused in the cavity is
balanced by a much  larger shallow region outside the entire cavity where
the energy density is higher - As Scott pointed out we do have documented
cases of both accelerated and decelerated time dilation of different
radioactive gases when absorbed into lattices containing cavities.




On Mon, 05 Sep 2011 11:25:22 -0700 Peter Heckert wrote

Hi Frank,


I was thinking about this some time ago.

I see these problems:

When we make the Casimir plates then we must create two surfaces that fit
exactly together. This requires energy. There are some simple possibilities:
1) We break a piece of metal and then we have two pieces that fit exactly
together. Obvoiusly we need more energy to create the pieces than we can get
when we put the pieces together. 2) We polish two plates, so they fit
together. While polishing the plates, we must overcome the casimir force

So we cannot get energy surplus when we put the plates together.

2) We use two plates and put them together. Then we pull both plates
sidewards and we hope this consumes less energy. Now, there is no reason for
this hope. This would not work with a plate capacitor, and this principle
did not work for Brady's magnet motors, (Brady is in Jail now, because he
sold motors but was unable to deliver, he is not in jail because the motors
did not work, he is in jail because he had no motors, working or not, at all

So why should this work with Casimir Plates?






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