The following quote was sent to me by Scott Little.

"A more self-willed, self-satisfied, or self-deluded class of the community, making at the same time pretension to superior knowledge, it would be impossible to imagine. They hope against hope, scorning all opposition with ridiculous vehemence, although centuries have not advanced them one step in the way of progress."

Henry Dircks, Perpetuam Mobile, or A History of Search for Self- Motive Power from the 13th to the 19th Century, 1870, P.354

http://t i n y u r

The above quote was Dircks' description of perpetual motion seekers. As a bona fide member of the free energy lunatic fringe, I must admit to seeing much of myself in the above description. It seems human foibles in general were the same foibles in the time of Dircks, Shakespeare, the bible, or the egyptian pharaohs. They are timeless. Dircks lambasts those who would engage in Alchemy, or the search for perpetual motion. And yet the discovery of the unstable nucleus, and its hitherto untapped energy, and alchemy, discounts Dircks' view, however well he may have described the personalities of those engaged in such Quixotic enterprises, both then and today. In addition to our foibles it is today thankfully still inherent in the diversity of human nature to quest for the secret key to the limitless energy that nature has hidden beneath its clockwork. If it is not found our future looks bleak. If it is found, it is not known if we are ready to handle it. We live in interesting times.

And then there is the derision failure brings for our Quixotic efforts, even today. Some familiar names already appear in wikipedia:

Who will be next?

It seems to me the best thing we can do is to move forward yet constantly be on guard against our own self deception, to work as diligently to disprove as well as prove our conclusions, to struggle to get nature's true response to our view of her.

Scott Little is a former vort (or vortexian might be more appropriate), a semi-retired employee of EarthTech International, and a guy that I know from personal experience approached many free energy concepts with an open mind. He has extensive experience with calorimetry applied to free energy devices.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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