Horace wrote: »Side note: the 52 E-cats at 80 kg each should have a mass of
4160 kg! I wonder what the shipping cost on that is?»

Can anyone estimate what would be the building costs of this fake Megawatt
plant? If it is asumed that there is inside conventional fuel water boiler,
that can produce 200°C steam.

Cargo fares may also be some few kilodollars. I think that this cost issue
is right now the strongest argument that support Rossi, because I would say
that no matter if it is a fake, the buiding and cargo costs of this MW plant
should be some hundreds of kilodollars, especially if time is also counted.

Therefore as we do not have any evidence that Rossi has attracted any
investment money, for sure this is not very cost effective fakes. If you
want to do fakes, I think that first requirement would be making at least
convincing tests, that would attract media attention. Rossi have not even
tried to attract media attention and is reluctantly accepted interviews.


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