Am 06.10.2011 19:19, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
everyone except Arata. He invents his own notation, symbols and vocabulary. He and a few others I have seen often put the units in square brackets:

16 [kW]

This looks strange to me. An editor wanted to do this with a paper that I wrote in Japanese. He insisted that is the normal way to do things for nonscientific publications in Japanese. I pointed him to several nonspecialists nonscientific articles from newspapers and magazines with ordinary notation; 16 kW.

This notation was very common here in germany. I learned this in school. (I am 58 now). It was then deprecated, when the SI Units came up and other units where forbidden by law.

Then we had to use "dimensioned" calculations. The units had to be calculated, not defined in square brackets.

Old Notation: U[V]/I[A] = R[O] (O means Omega dont find the symbol on my keyboard) This is forbidden now. (It is still used in technical empirical formulas where the units cant be calculated)
New Notation: U*V/(I*A) = R*O.

Possibly some of these old guys have studied in germany or had german professors....

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