I forgot to add, yes, this is pathological nonsense.

Murray has leaped to conclusions, as he often does. He has made an assertion
without stopping to think for a moment, and without considering whether it
might be plausible or even possible. He claimed that an electric heater of 3
to 5 kW is "small" and can be "hidden." Anyone who has so much as glanced at
an electric heater of this capacity will know his assertion is preposterous.

This is not "pragmatic," which is defined as: "Dealing with things sensibly
and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than
theoretical considerations." A sliver of practical knowledge is enough to
confirm that a 3 kW heater is a large object that cannot be hidden, and is
instantly recognizable.

This is not skeptical. A skeptic always questions his own assumptions first
and tries to discover whether they are physically possible.

As I predicted, the pathological skeptics will continue as before, drifting
ever farther into cloud cuckoo land, making up ever more convoluted
fairytales that anyone can refute in a few minutes. This never bothers
people like Murray, because -- we must grant -- he has a fertile imagination
unfettered by practical knowledge or the constraints of reality, and he can
make up new fairytales even faster than anyone can refute them. He will
grasp at any straw to avoid facing the truth.

- Jed

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