One would not have to use pure Hydrogen; I bet they have identified an H2-Noble 
Gas mixture that is slow-enough to be safe. You can dissolve most metals in 
acid and cause them to precipitate as nano-particles. The you would expose it 
to your gas mixture.

> Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 10:57:43 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:How to make Nickel Nano Powder.
> From:
> To:
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Peter Heckert <> wrote:
> > Nickel Nano powder is made like this:
> >
> > Nickel is oxidized. The nickel oxide is milled.
> > The Nickel oxide powder is reduced to nickel in hydrogen athmossphere under
> > high pressure and high temperature.
> > Why doesnt this sometimes explode?
> It will!  Read the safety and risk statements:
> Note that AR does not use nanopowder according to his patent ap for
> the US.  Particle size appears to be on the order of 10 micrometers,
> two orders of magnitude larger than this manufacturer's guaranteed
> size.
> The curious part to me are the kernels or protrusions on his
> particles.  If his reaction occurs with IRM at the crystalline
> discontinuities, I would think they would be plentiful in this
> geometry.
> Of course, all this has been discussed before.  Nothing new under the sun.
> T

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