Am 27.10.2011 20:33, schrieb Man on Bridges:

On 27-10-2011 17:35, Peter Heckert wrote:
No, if a trained person does this, nobody would notice. Think what magicians can do.

So now you think Rossi is an illusionist a-la David Copperfield or someone else who is attending ?
Do you really think that this fits with Rossi's  flamboyant behaviour ?
Don't you think it's time to think outside the box and "free your mind" ?

If it works or not does not depend from my mind.
My mind is free enough to consider and evaluate all possibilities.

I predicted the september demonstration correctly before it happened. If you scan this list, you will find my prediction: I bet with two persons. With number won I bet it works and with number two I bet it doesnt work and at the end both will want their money. I knew this before.

At the beginning Rossi promised a conclusive test at bologna university.
But he finally delivered a test good enough for unbiased people.
This this not enough.
He must deliver a test good enough for biased people. There are no unbiased people. Unbiased people are complete idiots that know nothing. Anybody else is biased in this or in the other direction.

Rossis engineering abilities are obviously not good enough to do this what any plumber master could have done easily.
Or he abuses his abilities to fool us. This is what I think.

From the previous demonstrations I got the impression he is great in designing systems that nobody is able to measure.
If he has some kilowatt to show then he could have done this in january.
So, from the psychology of this all and the persons I come to the conclusion this all is mocked up.

However my mind is free enough to be happy when I am proven false again all my expectations.



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