A couple of people have written to me to say that this is a test reactor so
you would not need a permit for it. I doubt that.

In the US you are not allowed to install a 1 MW conventional boiler without
a license, and you are not allowed to operate it without a permit. I do not
think they would make an exception for a nuclear reactor that works by
unknown principles. On the contrary, this would probably invite more
scrutiny than usual.

Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:

At such a great scale "The Oct. 28 Test" is a contradiction
> in terms- it has to be at least "the 3 days test starting on Oct. 28"
> No company having elementary idea of engineering would accept a short test
> for such a Behemoth, there are necessary hours to make all the 52 Fat-Cats
> functional . . .

I agree. Plus you would need a week or two setting up and calibrating the
instruments beforehand, and some days to take apart the machine and look
inside it, either before the run or after.

- Jed

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