On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 4:33 AM, Peter Heckert <peter.heck...@arcor.de>wrote:

> Rossi wants real money and he will count it without doubt as every
> businessman does, why dont they use faith?

Rossi was allegedly paid by TC (The Customer) for his Reactor.  Now, I
wonder how much?  Was he paid based on the capability or on the test value.
 He has often quoted the price of $2000/kW; so, a megawatt reactor costs
$2M; but, he only demonstrated 479 kW.  So, did he get a check for only

Regardless, he seems happy.  Does that mean TCs check cleared the bank?  Or
was it escrowed?  Or, did those Men In Black carry cases of cash?

Now that TC has their eCat, can we speculate on who has bought the next one
(TC2) as Rossi has said the already has it sold? He said he would sell to
any country.  Maybe it would be China?  Japan could use some heat this
winter.  I doubt it would go to Defkalion.


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