Terry sez:


> Personally, I don't think he trucked it off since it would have taken
> hours to un-plumb it.  Not to mention that a number of the little
> kittens resided on the roof of the container.

And as all cat owners, of the biological configuration know, they will
seek out warmth. So, if one wants to locate a missing eCat, put a GPS
tracking system on your cat. Sooner or later...

BTW, our recently rescued kitty, Charm, has now acquired full outdoor
privileges. This has eased feline tensions within our household. It
has allowed Charm to channel her teenage "aggressions" in a more
natural way elsewhere. We have also purchased a very elaborate
multi-platform cat tree that goes all the way to the ceiling. Zoey,
has claimed it as hers. Defensible position.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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