I spoke with George Miley of the University of Illinois about his most
recent tests with palladium zirconium alloys with gas loading. Here are
some notes from the conversation and some related information about some of
Mizuno's experiments.

A set of PowerPoint slides here shows his results up until recently:


Download the slides here:


See the slides starting at # 46.

This does not show the most recent results, which are more dramatic.

Slide 48 shows the overall pattern of the reaction. Note that for ordinary
chemical reactions, loading is exothermic and deloading is endothermic.
That is not what you see here. In some cases the initial chemical
exothermic reaction is followed by a second reaction raising the
temperature still higher. This is the anomalous cold fusion reaction. These
slides do not show it lasting for long. This is similar to Kitamura's

The slides show early runs. Recently they made a batch of material that
works dramatically better. However, they only made one batch so far and
they have run samples from it four times. They will need to make more
batches to confirm that they can reproduce this improved performance. Miley
is "optimistic but cautious" that the next batch will work as well as this
one did.

In the four runs they have achieved fairly stable output ranging from ~75
to ~200 W. The runs last around six hours. As shown in slide 48, the sample
first self-heats from the chemical reaction. Because the sample is well
insulated this heat is enough to trigger the anomalous reaction -- when the
anomalous reaction occurs. You do not usually need external heating
although the cell is equipped with a heater (slide 47).

The samples are ZrO2 with 35% Pd loaded with deuterium at 60 psi. They
range from 15 to 30 g. The starting material is of high purity and comes
from Ames National Laboratory. Additional processing is done at the
University of Illinois. Miley thinks that recent success is due to their
increased attention to material purity and improved manufacturing methods,
and a better vacuum pump. Quote slide 49: "Most effort has been to develop
improved nanoparticles by comparing and down selecting a series of triple

They are also making ZrO2Ni, to be loaded with hydrogen. I do not think
they have done this yet. We did not talk about that much.

Although deloading is chemically endothermic, in some cases they have seen
the heat increased during the loading. This is presumably anomalous heat.
Rossi showed a similar effect during the October 6 demonstration. Miles
says this is probably caused by flux, that is, deuterons moving through the
lattice. It does not matter which direction they are moving. McKubre listed
flux as one of the key factors in his “ad hoc” equation.


A schematic of the calorimeter is shown in slide number 47. This is a gas
calorimeter, similar to the one Mizuno used in his studies with proton
conductors. I have a lot of data from that and I am pretty familiar with
the characteristics so I will discuss it below.

The temperature is measured at the sample I believe, or anyway, in the
sample chamber. When there is heat (chemical or anomalous) you see a
temperature difference between the sample chamber and the outer chamber. In
Miley's case, the temperature difference ranges from 100°C to 200°C. Miley
described this calorimeter as very complicated and nonlinear. It is
difficult to model. The problem is that the ratio of output power to the
temperature at the core of the sample chamber will vary depending upon the
type of gas you fill the sample chamber with, and the gas pressure.

Based on Mizuno's data, I agree this is very complicated but on the other
hand it is also probably reliable, stable and repeatable. Mizuno tested
hydrogen, deuterium, helium, air, and a vacuum. He tested the gases over a
range of pressures. He found that when you use the same kind of gas at the
same pressure, a given power level always produces the same temperature
difference between the inside and the outside. So, when anomalous power
produces a certain temperature you can find that point on the output curve
and you can say with confidence that it is producing that much power.

Because of this complexity, Miley et al. do not know with accuracy how much
power the sample is producing. On the other hand they can be sure it is
producing heat because the sample chamber is much hotter than the outer
chamber. We know the energy is anomalous, because it produces a much larger
temperature difference than the chemical effect, and it lasts much longer:
21600 s compared to 150 s. The anomalous power continues when the heating
coil is turned off, so there is no possibility that they are mistaking
conventional electric heating with anomalous heating.

In other words, they can be sure there is anomalous heat but they cannot
say with assurance what the magnitude of it is. I think they would have to
do more calibration with a joule heater to establish exactly what the power
level is. The heating coil around the outside of the sample chamber would
not be suitable for this. You need to put heater right where the sample is
located, in the center of the sample chamber. This is what Mizuno did.

Ambient air is outside the outer chamber. Changes in this air temperature
will not have much effect on the calorimetry because the inner temperature
differences are so much higher than ambient fluctuations. Mizuno’s data
shows no measurable effect from ambient changes even though he was in a
poorly heated laboratory in Hokkaido, with large gaps in the walls and

They are using one calorimeter. They are doing the experiments every few
weeks. They would like to expand the effort to have someone work full-time
on it. Ahey would like to have 4 calorimeters instead of 1, so they can
test more samples in parallel. I suggested they use at least one Seebeck
calorimeter. This would sweep aside all of the complexities of gas
calorimetry, since it measures the heat outside the walls of the gas cell.
The cell should fit into a Seebeck calorimeter because it is about 2 inches

Miley outlined a development path for this in slide number 52.

I hope to find someone who can provide funding for this research. It has
some major advantages over Rossi's research:

The power density and temperatures are roughly comparable with Rossi.

Tests with nickel might produce the same light water effect that Rossi has

This is a state university so the results would be made public.

Miley and her students are conventional academic scientists, not
businessmen. They have no imperative to keep their results secret. On the
contrary they would publish as quickly as they can to establish priority.

Miley’s researchers are young. See slide 46. This kind of research should
be done by young people. Frankly, I would rather have one young person than
5 elderly scientists.

The material supplied by Ames Laboratory can be documented in great detail,
and probably reproduced. The additional processing performed by Miley et
al. can also be documented in detail.

Unlike Rossi, Miley et al. are willing to reveal all details of their work
and to share materials with other qualified researchers, so this material
can be independently tested by other laboratories

This is not to criticize Rossi for being secretive. The imperatives of
research at a public university are different from those in a private

Rossi does have one large advantage over Miley et al. He is working on a
gigantic scale. This impresses many people. It does not impress me. I think
it is silly. I find a test at 100 W as convincing as a test at 1 MW. As
long as the temperatures and power density are comparable, and the reaction
is stable, I don't see any advantage to scaling up above 100 W. It just
makes the calorimetry more complicated, and it makes the experiment
dangerous. However, members of the public and mass media reporters will
probably be more impressed by the larger scale of Rossi’s tests. I suppose
that from a public relations point of view it would be a good idea to scale
up. If Miley et al. had funding perhaps they could make a cell that
generates kilowatt level heat. I regard this as more of a public relations
stunt than a scientifically useful thing to do, but sometimes a stunt is
called for.

- Jed

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