The web site belongs to Leonardo Corp. It matters not who wrote the words as long as they are the words of the web site owner. You again attempt to cast into doubt credibility of Rossi and statements made on the Leonardo web site by involving the credibility of an unknown writer.

Mary you do this all over the internet, so you have more than a passing interest in making unprovable negative statement in what appears to be a effort to cause Rossi and his E-Cat to lose credibility. May I ask why you are putting so much effort into this? What do you have to gain by doing this?

Do you understand what a "Fair Go" means?

As for the web site statement below, I believe it will happen because it is on the official Rossi web site. The man met his end of Oct 2011 1 MW demo date. Maybe that means nothing to you but to me as a engineer it says volumes about meeting deadlines and meeting customer expectations, especially with new technology.


On 11/12/2011 5:49 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:

        "Next Few Months

     * New customers of the one megawatt E-Cat plant reveal their identity
     * Location of first E-Cat factory in the United States revealed."

And why do you believe that will happen? Because Sterling Allan wrote it? He's the same guy who had Obama in Mars for Cripes' sake!

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