Swedish Public Radio Turns Spotlight on Lewan and Ny Teknik 

[Thanks to KHM and PT for translation improvement] 

The idea that we will one day be able to provide us with cheap, simple and 
green energy is an eternal dream. Now two Italians say that they have found a 
solution, they have developed the ultimate perpetual motion machine. It’s just 
that no one is allowed to look into it. And no outsider may test if it really 
works. Science Journalists are skeptical and many warning bells are ringing. 
For example, the main character has a fake degree from Kensington University, 
and the findings have not been published in a scientific journal but only on 
Rossi’s own page. Almost all media have for this reason chosen not to pay this 
alleged invention any more attention. But there is one exception. Ny Teknik 
(New Technology) in Sweden has in the past year written over 20 articles on 
Andrea Rossi’s stunning gizmo – and now the newspaper is accused of advertising 
a scam. 


I have a reply in support of ML awaiting moderation. 

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