Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com> wrote:

A. Final note
> There is a big difference between your efforts on http://www.lenr-canr.organd 
> the e-cat site.  The first is a service to the community, the other is
> for selling goods.

What is wrong with selling goods?!?

Do you have some ivory-tower objection to capitalism? You don't like to see
people making a living? Do you think Rossi is obligated to give away
secrets worth a trillion dollars? If you think people should give away
their property, please send all of your money to me, at 1954 Airport Road.

I cannot understand why people criticize Rossi for keeping this secret when
it is the U.S. Patent Office that refuses to grant patents for cold fusion

 I cannot understand this attitude that Rossi should do whatever *you* say,
or Mary Yugo says, even though what you want him to do would ruin his
business. I wish he would do as I say only because I think it would be
bring him more money, and it would bring cold fusion to the world more

This is *his* discovery, *his* intellectual property, and *his* business.
He can run his business any way he wants to. He has no obligation to tell
us anything, or to do any public tests. If he wants to use obsolete web
page software, that is his decision. We can criticize these decisions, or
ridicule them, but people here act as if Rossi has a moral obligation to
follow our orders. He does not. No businessman does. Thank goodness for
that. Capitalism would not work if they did. Without capitalism we would
all live in poverty.

- Jed

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