jmp jmp < <>> wrote:

   First, the part about "forget Rossi": I think Rossi has been an
enormous time/talent sink with no benefit to the LENR field. Arguably, he's set the field back quite a lot.

That is preposterous. He has made more progress toward practical, commercial technology that all of the other researchers combined.

At present, there is nothing else to talk about in cold fusion, and no other approach worth pursuing. it would be a waste of time to continue working on bulk palladium and other approaches. Perhaps we should return to them in the future to learn more about the physics of cold fusion, but there is no question that the only practical way to make technology is with nickel nanoparticle powder.

Rossi is an annoying person who can be difficult to work with, but he has undeniably made a tremendous contribution to this field. The fact that he is annoying has no bearing at all on his contribution.

   Look back at the posts here at Vortex and consider how much time and
   effort has been spent by a bunch of smart people in trying to figure
   out what Rossi has or doesn't have.   Wet steam, dry steam. What
about that thermocouple/pump/contract with U of B/whatever?

This is all skeptical bullshit. None of these issues are real. The steam could be completely wet and the results would be irrefutable. In any case, as far as I know, all real experts in the real world say it is dry.

   I believe it's been wasted effort. Rossi provides very little
   information that can be independently confirmed.

All of his claims had been independently confirmed. Everything he has done has already been done by others, albeit at lower power levels with less spectacular success.

   I don't know what Rossi has. Given the dearth of confirmable
   information he's provided, I *can't* know what he has.

Yes, you can. If you understand basic physics and thermodynamics you can be certain that his results are real. I do not know a professional single scientist who doubts this.

All of the doubts are from the peanut gallery on the Internet, especially people such as Mary Yugo. She says she knows nothing about cold fusion, so obviously she cannot judge. Asking her to evaluate this would be like asking me to review a performance of the Metropolitan Opera. I do not know the first thing about music and I have never listened to the Metropolitan Opera. So I am not qualified to critique them. I doubt anyone would argue with that. I cannot imagine why anyone takes Yugo or Park seriously, when they brag they have not even bothered to read the fundamentals, and they make many silly factual mistakes.

- Jed

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